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manifolds docs

asked 2023-10-02 22:45:11 +0100

murraye gravatar image

updated 2023-10-02 23:05:55 +0100

I installed SageMath 10.1 from

At that page:

(1) it is alleged that the reference manuals for Manifolds are at:




but I find no such files. Where, exactly, is that "local" directory supposed to be located in the macOS tree?

(2) it is alleged that one can generate PDF versions of the reference manuals by:

`./sage -docbuild reference/manifolds pdf`

./sage -docbuild reference/tensor_free_modules pdf

Those commands do not work. First, what directory should I be in to find the sage command?

Second, note that the sage executable is already on my path, but each of the commands

 sage -docbuild reference/manifolds pdf
 sage -docbuild reference/tensor_free_modules pdf

gives a FileNotFoundError, specifically:

No such file or directory: '/Applications/'

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2 Answers

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answered 2023-10-03 19:57:19 +0100

The Mac App includes some changes to the regular Sage installation, and I think the documentation is not up to date. First, a good way to access the documentation is from the Sage website:, and in particular for manifolds in particular. Another way to access it is, while running Sage, use the command reference() to open the Reference manual. From the Jupyter notebook, you can also use the "Help" menu. (With the Mac App, the documentation is available at /Applications/, but all of the html files are compressed.)

To access the PDF documentation, probably the easiest way is again through the SageMath website: and, for example. Unless you're planning to change the code and then rebuild the documentation, this is probably the best choice. If you are planning to change the code and rebuild the documentation, you should instead be building Sage from scratch, in which case you should follow the installation guide.

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answered 2023-10-03 12:00:24 +0100

eric_g gravatar image

Regarding question (1), the local directory is a subdirectory of your Sage root directory. The latter is returned when typing

!sage -root

in a Sage session (either in a Sage console or in a Jupyter notebook).

I am sorry I cannot answer question (2) for I am not a macOS user.

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Asked: 2023-10-02 22:45:11 +0100

Seen: 212 times

Last updated: Oct 03 '23