How to put equation numbers in notebook cells?
Is it possible to display equation numbers in jupyter notebook code cells?
I use "display latex" to display code cells and would like to have equation numbers appear on the same line as equations.
I haven't been able to find anything recent about this. All the discussion I've found are at least five years old. Back then there was talk of this as a feature for future releases, but I haven't found anything about whether it ever happened.
This kind of cross-referencing is probably not (well-)doable in a Jupyter notebook, whereas structured markup languages are much more apt to create it (and create document implementing such cross-referencing).
I'd think that the clearest way to create such a document would be SageTeX, possibly followed by
, or possibly Markdown (pandoc + PythonTeX + pandoc-crossref).I hadn't heard of SageTeX. Is there anything like a notebook interface for it? I gather SageTeX generates LaTeX documents. Is there a simple way of using it to generate pdf and doc files? Ultimately I need to put papers into these formats. Thanks.
Read this tutorial, as well as a $\LaTeX$ tutorial.
Nope. Any text ediror (my personnal recomendation is emacs).
pdflatex foo.tex ; sage foo.sagetex.sage ; pdflatex foo.tex
.DOC : less obvious. Try pandoc.