Can the bytes returned by pynauty's "certificate" function be converted into a graph format readable by Sage?
I know nauty has been integrated with Sage. Has pynauty been integrated in Sage 10?
I am using Sage 9.5, and it doesn't seem to have pynauty integrated. So, I installed this third-party package. I'm particularly interested in one of its functions, certificate
. The function "certificate" serves a similar purpose to the canonical_label
in Sage. (A canonical graph is the representative graph of an isomorphism class by some canonization function c. If G and H are graphs, then G≅c(G), and c(G)==c(H) if and only if G≅H.)
However, certificate(g)
provides bytes instead of a graph. I'm not sure how to interpret them. I'm thinking of converting a graph after applying certificate(g)
into the graph format used in Sage.
from pynauty import *
g = Graph(5)
g.connect_vertex(0, [1, 2, 3])
g.connect_vertex(2, [1, 3, 4])
g.connect_vertex(4, [3])
I cannot convert the above bytes to graphs. It preferable to preserve its "canonical" form when converting the bytes into a graph format in Sage.
I opened an issue on the developer's interface, but it seems like there hasn't been a response yet. See the following link: