turn the simplex type into symbol type
I have a list of elements of type simplex. I need them as symbols. I wrote the following:
import sympy as sym
S = SimplicialComplex([[0,1], [1,2], [0,2]])
Chain = S._n_cells_sorted(1)
Chain2 = []
for i in Chain:
print(Chain2[0], type(Chain2[0]))
Chain3 = [sym.symbols(v) for v in Chain2]
The program prints:
(0, 1) <class 'sage.topology.simplicial_complex.Simplex'>
(0, 1) <class 'str'>
((0, 1)) <class 'tuple'>
I want to turn the type elements of the initial list Chain
into symbols but this program turns them into tuples.
I would appreciate any help!
According to the documentation at https://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules..., if you pass a tuple to
, it will return a tuple. This seems more like asympy
question than a Sage one.