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Zero check for certain numbers fail

asked 2022-12-15 10:03:53 +0100

philipp7 gravatar image

The following zero check yields an error in my copy of Sage (version 9.5):


The result of the computation should be True. The entire error message can be found here: I also checked the Sage Cell Server and the same error appears there. I could not find anything related on the Trac server. However, since I have no idea what is going wrong here, my search was very limited.

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From the log it seems that your sage is missing maxima. Could you try to run the command maxima(1)?

vdelecroix gravatar imagevdelecroix ( 2022-12-18 10:41:44 +0100 )edit

maxima(1) works in my installation and gives me a sage.interfaces.maxima.MaximaElement object.

philipp7 gravatar imagephilipp7 ( 2022-12-19 08:59:16 +0100 )edit

Could you give more details about your setup (operating system, how you did install Sage).

vdelecroix gravatar imagevdelecroix ( 2023-01-20 20:21:33 +0100 )edit

I install it by calling makeafter cloning form the github repo as described here: My OS is openSUSE Leap 15.2

philipp7 gravatar imagephilipp7 ( 2023-01-25 09:21:41 +0100 )edit

Then there was probably a problem in the compilation process. If you want a diagnosis you should post the files $SAGE_ROOT/config.log, $SAGE_ROOT/config.status and possibly the full $SAGE_ROOT/logs/install.log.

vdelecroix gravatar imagevdelecroix ( 2023-01-25 09:44:15 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2022-12-15 13:59:14 +0100

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar image

updated 2022-12-15 14:02:18 +0100

WorksForMe(TM) in 9.8.beta4 :

sage: (-1)^(1/3)
sage: QQbar((-1)^(1/3))
0.500000000000000? + 0.866025403784439?*I
sage: log(QQbar((-1)^(1/3)))
log(0.500000000000000? + 0.866025403784439?*I)
sage: real_part(log(QQbar((-1)^(1/3))))
sage: real_part(log(QQbar((-1)^(1/3)))).is_zero()

But beware : x^3+1==0 has three roots, whereas (-1)^(1/3) denotes only one of them. You should check :

sage: [u[0].log().real_part().is_zero() for u in (x^3+1).roots()]
[True, True, True]

or, if you prefer,

sage: [real_part(log(u.rhs())).is_zero() for u in solve(x^3+1==0, x)]
[True, True, True]


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BTW : this "triple check" isn't really necessary. Guess why...

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 2022-12-16 08:26:33 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2022-12-15 10:03:53 +0100

Seen: 184 times

Last updated: Dec 15 '22