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Residue calculation in Sagemath

asked 2022-05-08 07:19:30 +0100

Anupamsage gravatar image

updated 2022-05-16 09:13:28 +0100

I have done the following calculation in maple, I want to know if we can do it in Sagemath and write a code using the recursive definition. We construct a family of meromorphic function $W_{g,n}(z_1, z_2, \ldots, z_n)$. We consturct it recursively. The intial data given is the following.

$$y(z) = 2 \frac{sinh^{-1}(z/(2a)^{1/2})}{(z^2 +2a)^{1/2}}$$ where $sinh(z)$ is sine hyperbolic funciton can be defined directly in maple as it is.

$$ K(z):=\frac{1}{z(y(z) - y(-z))} \rightarrow 1/2\,{\frac {a}{{z}^{2}}}+1/6-{\frac {{z}^{2}}{90\,a}}+{\frac {{z}^{4} }{378\,{a}^{2}}}-{\frac {23\,{z}^{6}}{28350\,{a}^{3}}}+{\frac {263\,{z }^{8}}{935550\,{a}^{4}}}-{\frac {133787\,{z}^{10}}{1277025750\,{a}^{5} }}+{\frac {157009\,{z}^{12}}{3831077250\,{a}^{6}}}-{\frac {16215071\,{ z}^{14}}{976924698750\,{a}^{7}}}+{\frac {2689453969\,{z}^{16}}{ 389792954801250\,{a}^{8}}}+O \left( {z}^{18} \right) $$ $K(z)$ we define using $sinh(z)$ and take the Taylor series expansion to study the few terms.

Let $W_{0,2}(z_1, z_2): = 1/(z_1 - z_2)^2$

Having this initial data we can construct a tower of $W_{g,n}(z_1, z_2, \ldots, z_n )$ as follows. Let me give few examples that I have computed by hand in maple.

Let's give some examples of how to generate families of functions $$W_{1,1} = Res_{z =0}\, K(z)\frac{1}{z-z_1} W_{0,2}(z,-z) = 1/24\,{\frac {{{\it z1}}^{2}+3\,a}{{{\it z1}}^{4}}} $$ Taking residue at $z =0$ means collecting the $1/z$ ceofficients. $$W_{0,3}(z_1, z_2 , z_3) = Res_{z =0}\, K(z)\frac{1}{z-z_1} \left(W_{0,2}(z_1,-z)W_{0,2}(z_2,z) + W_{0,2}(z_2,-z)W_{0,2}(z_1,z)\right)= {\frac {a}{{{\it z2}}^{2}{{\it z3}}^{2}{{\it z1}}^{2}}} $$

$$W_{1,2}(z_1 , z_2) =Res_{z =0}\, K(z)\frac{1}{z-z_1} \left( W_{0,3}(z,-z,z_2) + W_{0,2}(z,z_2)W_{1,1}(-z)+ W_{0,2}(-z,z_2)W_{1,1}(z)\right)= \ 1/8\,{\frac { \left( 2\,a{{\it z1}}^{2}+5\,{a}^{2} \right) {{\it z2}}^ {4}+ \left( 2\,a{{\it z1}}^{4}+3\,{a}^{2}{{\it z1}}^{2} \right) {{\it z2}}^{2}+5\,{a}^{2}{{\it z1}}^{4}}{{{\it z1}}^{6}{{\it z2}}^{6}}} $$ So let's define $W_{g,n}(z_1 , z_2, \ldots, z_n)$ in general by taking the residue of $$W_{g_1,n_1}(z,\ldots)W_{g_2 , n_2}(-z,\ldots) + W_{g-1 , n+1}()\tag{*}$$ along with the product $ K(z)\frac{1}{z-z_1}$. $W_{g_1,n_1}(z_1 , z_2, \ldots, z_{n_1})$ represent meromorphic functions in $n_1$ variables. And the sum is taken over all such possible combinations. And in case of $W_{g-1 , n+1}(z,-z,z_2 \ldots z_n)$.

In general, if we can write a code where we can give the initial data and then will compute $W_{g,n}(z_1, z_2, \ldots , z_n)$. It should be a recursive definition. I maple I cannot compute more than $(3,1)$ tuples. But with effective Dynamical programming, we definitely can do more. If someone shows me how to do the initial computation in sagemath, then I will try to write the general programme.

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@Anupamsage : your notation is ambiguous (unbalanced parentheses) ; could you check ?

EDIT : Edited, corrected and given as an answer.

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 2022-05-08 09:09:04 +0100 )edit

I have edited it now.

Anupamsage gravatar imageAnupamsage ( 2022-05-16 09:11:03 +0100 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2022-05-17 21:16:27 +0100

dan_fulea gravatar image

updated 2022-05-17 21:18:03 +0100

It is hard to understand in one breath what you have tried and what you finally want.

Here is a simple piece of code getting the residue for that $W_{1,1}$, in code W11. The further implementation has from the point of view of the programmer nothing new to show up. Since i hate (typing) $\sqrt{2a}$ i will use $b$ instead.

assume(b > 0);

y = lambda z: 2*arcsinh( z / b ) / sqrt(z^2 + b^2)
K = lambda z: 1 / z / (y(z) - y(-z))
W02 = lambda z1, z2: 1/(z1 - z2)^2
W11 = lambda z1: ( K(z) / (z - z1) * W02(z, -z) ).residue(z == 0).canonicalize_radical()

print(f'W11(z1) = {W11(z1)}')

This prints:

W11(z1) = -1/48*(3*b^2 + 2*z1^2)/z1^4

There is nothing new involved while taking residues when implementing all the needed recursion. (Please provide code in a follow-up question, if something does not work on the path. Please try to reduce the questions to one issue each, and best this issue is of programatical nature.)

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Thanks will do that

Anupamsage gravatar imageAnupamsage ( 2022-05-18 14:12:15 +0100 )edit

I was computing as you shown for W12, though having correct answer for W11 and W03 I am not getting correct answer for W12, I have posted the question with the code here I have to use substiution function.

Anupamsage gravatar imageAnupamsage ( 2022-05-31 06:10:59 +0100 )edit

answered 2022-05-08 16:13:18 +0100

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar image

updated 2022-05-08 16:18:32 +0100

I suppose that you meant :

$$ y(z)\,=\,\frac{2 \, \sqrt{\operatorname{arsinh}\left(\frac{z}{2 \, a}\right)}}{\sqrt{z^{2} + 2 \, a}}$$

What's the point of working the Taylor series when the analytic answer is available ? Run :

var("z, a")

then :

sage: Poles=[u.rhs() for u in y(z).denominator().solve(z)] ; Poles
[-sqrt(2)*sqrt(-a), sqrt(2)*sqrt(-a)]
sage: [maxima_calculus.residue(y(z), z, u)._sage_() for u in Poles]
[0, 0]


sage: (sinh(z).exponentialize()==x).solve(z)
[z == log(x - sqrt(x^2 + 1)), z == log(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1))]

No need for Taylor series here either, but a need for branch choice...


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$$y(z) = 2 \frac{sinh^{-1}(z/(2a)^{1/2})}{(z^2 +2a)^{1/2}}$$ this is the function , so the sqroot on the numerator is on the inside of arcsinh

Anupamsage gravatar imageAnupamsage ( 2022-05-16 09:13:21 +0100 )edit

Can you confirm that you meant :

$$ z \ {\mapsto}\ \frac{2 \, \operatorname{arsinh}\left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}} \sqrt{\frac{z}{a}}\right)}{\sqrt{z^{2} + 2 \, a}} $$

In which case, K is :

$$ z \ {\mapsto}\ \frac{1}{2 \, z {\left(\frac{\operatorname{arsinh}\left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}} \sqrt{\frac{z}{a}}\right)}{\sqrt{z^{2} + 2 \, a}} - \frac{\operatorname{arsinh}\left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}} \sqrt{-\frac{z}{a}}\right)}{\sqrt{z^{2} + 2 \, a}}\right)}} $$

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 2022-05-16 14:08:47 +0100 )edit

I meant $arcsinh( z/ \sqrt(2a))$ there is no square root over $z$ inside the arcsinh.

Anupamsage gravatar imageAnupamsage ( 2022-05-17 01:24:24 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2022-05-08 07:19:30 +0100

Seen: 670 times

Last updated: May 17 '22