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fast factorization of ratios of polynomials

asked 3 years ago

rue82 gravatar image

updated 3 years ago

I consider polynomials of the form P=i(11/yi), where each yi is a Laurent monomial with unit coefficient in variables x1,,xk,q1,q2,q3,m.

I'm interested in taking ratios of the form P1/(P2kn=1xn) of such polynomials, and would like to know what the fastest way is to cancel common factors using sagemath.

The final goal is to take residues at simple poles, so factorizations will happen.

Let me write a full code example:

def br(x):
    return 1-1/x

q1,q2,q3,m = var('q1,q2,q3,m')

def mex(q1,q2,q3,m):
    q4 = var('q4')
    N.<q1,q2,q3,q4> = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 4, order='neglex')
    k = 3
    K = 1 + q1 + q2
    rho = [p.substitute({q4:(q1*q2*q3)^-1}) for p in K.monomials()]
    X = [var("x%d" % i) for i in range(k)]
    chim = prod([ br(X[j]/m) for j in range(k)])
    chix = prod([ br(X[j]) for j in range(k)])
    chiup = prod([ prod([ br(q1*q2*X[i]/X[j])*br(q1*q3*X[i]/X[j])*br(q2*q3*X[i]/X[j])*(br(X[i]/X[j]))^2 for i in range(k) if i > j]) for j in range(k)])
    chiups = prod([ prod([ br(X[i]/(X[j]*q1*q2))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q1*q3))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q2*q3)) for i in range(k) if i > j]) for j in range(k)])
    chido = prod([ prod([ br(q1*X[i]/X[j])*br(q2*X[i]/X[j])*br(q3*X[i]/X[j])*br(q1*q2*q3*X[i]/X[j]) for i in range(k) if i > j]) for j in range (k)])
    chidos = prod([ prod([ br(X[i]/(X[j]*q1))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q2))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q3))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q1*q2*q3)) for i in range(k) if i > j]) for j in range (k)])
    dx = prod([ X[j] for j in range(k)])
    chinum = (chim*chiup*chiups)
    chiden = (chix*chido*chidos*dx)
    chi = chinum/chiden
    # return chi.factor()
    for xi,rhoi in zip(X,rho):
         chi = (chi*(xi-rhoi)).factor().subs({xi: rhoi})
    return chi

This currently works in the symbolic ring, but gets slow as soon as k,K grow a bit. I was hoping that using singular (Laurent polyn ring, e.g.) would make it faster, but cannot make it such that everything happens there yet.

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It's unclear what is your problem. Your polynomials are already given in the factored form - why do you want to factor them?

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 3 years ago )

Well, numerator and denominator are factored separately, but I want to cancel common factors when taking the ratio, namely I want to factor the ratio. Is that more clear?

rue82 gravatar imagerue82 ( 3 years ago )

Could you please provide your full code ? In particular, how are q1,q2,q3,x0,x1,x2,x3 defined ?

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 3 years ago )

@tmonteil I added a code example, does this clarify my question?

rue82 gravatar imagerue82 ( 3 years ago )

Couple of issues in your code: 1 - q1,q2,q3,m = var('q1,q2,q3,m') and q4 = var('q4') are redundant and can be safely removed 2 - defining X as symbolic variables slow down things, you'd better define them as generators of Laurent polynomial ring.

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 3 years ago )

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answered 3 years ago

Max Alekseyev gravatar image

updated 3 years ago

Represent yi as a vector of size k+4 with components being the degrees of x1,,xk,q1,q2,q3,m. Then create a dictionary D with such vectors as keys and integer values (counters with zero initial values). With each yi coming from P1 increase the corresponding value in D, while with every yi coming from P2 decrease the corresponding value in D. The ratio P1/P2 can be easily reconstructed from the resulting D and it won't contain any common factors between the numerator and denominator.

ADDED. Here a rough translation of your code to these settings. In fact, it shows that no cancellations happen in your polynomials as they have no common factors, while the slow down is caused by size of the resulting object.

def mul_br(D,x,inc=1):
    for t in x.dict():
        D[t] += inc
        if D[t]==0:
            del D[t]

def mex():
    k = 3
    L = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, 5+k, 'mqx')
    m,q1,q2,q3,q4 = L.gens()[:5]
    X = L.gens()[5:]

    D = dict()

    #chim = prod([ br(X[j]/m) for j in range(k)])
    for j in range(k):
    #chix = prod([ br(X[j]) for j in range(k)])
    for j in range(k):
    #chiup = prod([ prod([ br(q1*q2*X[i]/X[j])*br(q1*q3*X[i]/X[j])*br(q2*q3*X[i]/X[j])*(br(X[i]/X[j]))^2 for i in range(k) if i > j]) for j in range(k)])
    for j in range(k):
        for i in range(k):
            if i > j:
    #chiups = prod([ prod([ br(X[i]/(X[j]*q1*q2))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q1*q3))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q2*q3)) for i in range(k) if i > j]) for j in range(k)])
    for j in range(k):
        for i in range(k):
            if i > j:
    #chido = prod([ prod([ br(q1*X[i]/X[j])*br(q2*X[i]/X[j])*br(q3*X[i]/X[j])*br(q1*q2*q3*X[i]/X[j]) for i in range(k) if i > j]) for j in range (k)])
    for j in range (k):
        for i in range(k):
            if i > j:
    #chidos = prod([ prod([ br(X[i]/(X[j]*q1))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q2))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q3))*br(X[i]/(X[j]*q1*q2*q3)) for i in range(k) if i > j]) for j in range (k)])
    for j in range (k):
        for i in range(k):
            if i > j:
    dx = prod(X[j] for j in range(k))
    #chinum = (chim*chiup*chiups)
    #chiden = (chix*chido*chidos*dx)
    #chi = chinum/chiden

    return D

Running mex() returns an answer in form of a dictionary with 51 elements. If you want an actual polynomial from it, you can get it by running

prod( (1-1/prod(g^e for g,e in zip(L.gens(),d)))^p for d,p in D.items() ) / dx

although it may be time consuming.

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I added a full explanation, sorry for being not complete. I'm not sure using a dictionary is the fastest way here?

rue82 gravatar imagerue82 ( 3 years ago )

I'm not sure if it's the fastest but it does the job quite efficiently. Also, it shows that the issue is not in canceling common factors (as there are none) and/or factorization, but in the size of the resulting object.

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 3 years ago )

But see the edited question, as there will be cancellations.

rue82 gravatar imagerue82 ( 3 years ago )

do you think using the dictionary could work for the above?

rue82 gravatar imagerue82 ( 3 years ago )

How exactly did you change the question? I have already demonstrated how the dictionary works. So, I don't quite follow your concern.

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 3 years ago )

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Asked: 3 years ago

Seen: 414 times

Last updated: Feb 10 '22