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Interface of maxima atensor with sage

asked 2011-12-19 12:41:25 +0100

Shashank gravatar image

I am trying to use the atensor module of maxima in sage. I have trouble understanding the meaning of the symbols. According to the manual the basis of the algebra is given by v[1], v[2] etc, and atensimp(v[1].v[1]) should give -1. But, when I try to reproduce the result, I get the following.



I am trying to reproduce the algebra of gamma matrices

{gamma^mu,gamma^nu}=2 eta^{mu nu}

where {,} stands for anticommutator. and eta^{mu nu} is the metric. as described here

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1 Answer

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answered 2011-12-19 13:44:33 +0100

kcrisman gravatar image

You need to load the module, whether you are in Sage or Maxima proper.

sage: maxima('load(atensor)')
sage: maxima('init_atensor(dirac)')
sage: maxima('atensimp(v[1].v[1])')
sage: maxima('init_atensor(clifford,0,0,2)')
sage: maxima('atensimp(v[1].v[1])')

You might find it useful to do the following instead, if you want to share your results with Sage and use them further.

sage: maxima('load(atensor)')
sage: maxima('init_atensor(clifford,0,0,2)')
sage: m = maxima('atensimp(v[1].v[1])')
sage: type(m)
<class 'sage.interfaces.maxima.MaximaElement'>
sage: n = m._sage_()
sage: type(n)
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
sage: n

On the other hand, if you are only using Maxima commands, you may just want to:

  • use sage: maxima_console()
  • or do sage -maxima to get a console
  • or download Maxima!
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Asked: 2011-12-19 12:41:25 +0100

Seen: 467 times

Last updated: Dec 19 '11