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Elements of a free group

asked 2022-01-11 20:57:01 +0200

bobby.mir gravatar image

updated 2022-01-11 20:58:49 +0200

My question is regarding the presentation of elements of the free group $F_2$.

G.<a,b,c> = FreeGroup()

Then the result will be


Is there any command to get the array? I mean we give $a^2ba^-1c^-1b$ then it returns [1,1,2,-1,-3,2].

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answered 2022-01-11 21:03:50 +0200

FrédéricC gravatar image

like this

sage: G.<a,b,c> = FreeGroup()
sage: h = G([1,1,2,-1,-3,2])
sage: h.Tietze()
(1, 1, 2, -1, -3, 2)
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Asked: 2022-01-11 20:57:01 +0200

Seen: 161 times

Last updated: Jan 11 '22