How do you assign (different) LaTex names to elements of a list?
Say I have the following list of variables.
v = {(i,j): var("v_{}{}".format(i, j), latex_name="v_{{}{}}") for i in range(2) for j in range(2)}
How do I make it so that when I use the
command, I get v0,0 as output? I've tried stuff like
v = {(i,j): var("v_{}{}".format(i, j), latex_name="v_{i,j}") for i in range(2) for j in range(2)}
v = {(i,j): var("v_{}{}".format(i, j), latex_name="v_{{i}{j}}") for i in range(2) for j in range(2)}
but it only ever give me stuff like vi,j where it's just the literal symbols i and j, not the entries of
for some k and m I plug in, like 0, 0.