Obtaining the lattice of equivalence relations
Is there an easy method to obtain the lattice of all equivalence relations Ln of a set with n elements in Sage?
I do not know whether there is such a builtin construction in Sage, so here is a possible construction.
Let S
be a set, e.g.:
sage: S = {'a','b','c','d'}
First, we define the list of partitions over S
sage: list(SetPartitions(S))
[{{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}},
{{'a', 'b', 'c'}, {'d'}},
{{'a', 'b', 'd'}, {'c'}},
{{'a', 'b'}, {'c', 'd'}},
{{'a', 'b'}, {'c'}, {'d'}},
{{'a', 'c', 'd'}, {'b'}},
{{'a', 'c'}, {'b', 'd'}},
{{'a', 'c'}, {'b'}, {'d'}},
{{'a', 'd'}, {'b', 'c'}},
{{'a'}, {'b', 'c', 'd'}},
{{'a'}, {'b', 'c'}, {'d'}},
{{'a', 'd'}, {'b'}, {'c'}},
{{'a'}, {'b', 'd'}, {'c'}},
{{'a'}, {'b'}, {'c', 'd'}},
{{'a'}, {'b'}, {'c'}, {'d'}}]
Second, we define a function that decides whether a partition refines another one:
sage: refine = lambda p,q : all(any(set(i).issubset(set(j)) for j in q) for i in p)
sage: refine(((1,), (2, 3)), ((1,), (2,), (3,)))
sage: refine(((1,), (2,), (3,)), ((1,), (2, 3)))
With both the list of partitions and the refinment order, we can construct the poset:
sage: P = Poset((list(SetPartitions(S)), refine))
sage: P
Finite poset containing 15 elements
sage: P.is_lattice()
sage: P.plot()
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Asked: 3 years ago
Seen: 6,990 times
Last updated: May 24 '21
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