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Formula manipulation

asked 2021-01-10 06:16:30 +0200

pauljurczak gravatar image

Does Sage have anything similar to Mathematica formula manipulation functions listed below?

Extracting Parts of Formulas: Coefficient ▪ Exponent ▪ Part ▪ Numerator ▪ Denominator

Formula Rearrangement: Collect ▪ Together ▪ Apart ▪ Cancel

Equation Transformations: AddSides ▪ SubtractSides ▪ MultiplySides ▪ DivideSides ▪ ApplySides

Algebraic Transformations: PowerExpand ▪ ComplexExpand ▪ TrigExpand ▪ RootReduce ▪ ComplexityFunction

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answered 2021-01-10 10:42:03 +0200

eric_g gravatar image

updated 2021-01-10 10:55:42 +0200

Yes, it has. Read Section 2.1 of the free book Computational Mathematics with SageMath (especially Tables 2.1 and 2.2).

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Thank you. I was initially looking for "baby steps" transformations like AddSides ▪ SubtractSides ▪ MultiplySides ▪ DivideSides ▪ ApplySides, not realizing that I can simply: eq = 1/(x-1) == (x+1) and then eq *= x-1

pauljurczak gravatar imagepauljurczak ( 2021-01-10 22:05:09 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2021-01-10 06:15:16 +0200

Seen: 1,610 times

Last updated: Jan 10 '21