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Very different matrix inverse result in complex ring CC and in real ring RR while entry only contain real elements

asked 4 years ago

I would use an dramatized example here but it was encountered during a project as well.

Suppose two matrix consisted of the same entry of only real elements. However, one was in the real domain RR, and one was in the complex domain CC. The inverse of the complex matrix and the real matrix different significantly.


for ix in range(0,5):
    for iy in range(0,5):


for ix in range(0,5):
    for iy in range(0,5):

which returned


[  0.000000000000000   0.765147401234293   0.128320060202457  -0.106799974237582   0.725716283876408]
[  0.708073418273571   0.826821810431806  0.0199148566748170   0.572750016904307   0.919535764538226]
[  0.765147401234293   0.128320060202457  -0.106799974237582   0.725716283876408   0.267938303940044]
[  0.118748392158235  -0.688158561598754  -0.135323401369264   0.211462346264655  -0.630000397639817]
[ -0.636827341031836  -0.871947375471875 -0.0394311173578842  -0.497209097294248  -0.948719639025321]


[  0.000000000000000   0.765147401234293   0.128320060202457  -0.106799974237582   0.725716283876408]
[  0.708073418273571   0.826821810431806  0.0199148566748170   0.572750016904307   0.919535764538226]
[  0.765147401234293   0.128320060202457  -0.106799974237582   0.725716283876408   0.267938303940044]
[  0.118748392158235  -0.688158561598754  -0.135323401369264   0.211462346264655  -0.630000397639817]
[ -0.636827341031836  -0.871947375471875 -0.0394311173578842  -0.497209097294248  -0.948719639025321]

However, their inverse


[ 2.87043424444896e15 -9.36229301025494e15  1.13569572695379e16 -8.12065238284797e15  1.72141024999095e15]
[-1.10320559226948e15  3.19497062929143e15  5.27553667803348e15 -7.22878751888619e15  8.54302211670640e15]
[ 1.94664421070014e16 -3.02112860544102e15    0.000000000000000  1.80143985094820e16    0.000000000000000]
[ 8.29739198582516e14  9.39732200089164e15 -1.02939420054183e16  1.02939420054183e16    0.000000000000000]
[-2.15677123538261e15 -1.45141888820365e15 -7.07708512872506e15  5.95118522188244e15 -9.00719925474099e15]


[-1.00798918109020e16  1.87532050063097e15  1.07471168476593e16 -2.09935440833922e16  1.10831351979113e16]
[ 2.64758058163658e15  7.44366790239271e15 -8.04492396917722e15  9.82621377301499e15  4.42753908914828e14]
[ 2.35701470124050e16 -4.71646526274252e15  1.02939420054183e16  1.08658276723860e16  9.15017067148291e15]
[ 1.53627372015977e16 -1.32579194813951e15 -1.02939420054183e16  2.51629693465780e16 -9.15017067148291e15]
[-4.69821640166124e15 -7.20926442861200e15  5.14697100270914e15 -8.57828500451523e15 -3.43131400180609e15]



[ 1.29503260553510e16 -1.12376135108859e16  6.09840421878568e14  1.28728917005442e16 -9.36172494792037e15]
[-3.75078617390606e15 -4.24869727310128e15  1.33204606472107e16 -1.70550012919012e16  8.10026820779157e15]
[-4.10370490540364e15  1.69533665730150e15 -1.02939420054183e16  7.14857083709603e15 -9.15017067148291e15]
[-1.45329980030152e16  1.07231139490312e16    0.000000000000000 -1.48690273411597e16  9.15017067148291e15]
[ 2.54144516627863e15  5.75784554040835e15 -1.22240561314342e16  1.45294702263977e16 -5.57588525293490e15]

Is this a bug? How to fix the issue?

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3 Answers

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answered 4 years ago

Florentin Jaffredo gravatar image

updated 4 years ago

That's not a bug, your matrix is simply not invertible. You can see it by switching the ring to SR to perform exact computations:

test_S_SR = matrix(SR, 5)
for ix in range(0, 5):
    for iy in range(0, 5):
        test_S_SR[ix, iy] = sin(ix+iy)*sin(iy+1)

sage: test_S_SR

[            0 sin(2)*sin(1) sin(3)*sin(2) sin(4)*sin(3) sin(5)*sin(4)]
[     sin(1)^2      sin(2)^2      sin(3)^2      sin(4)^2      sin(5)^2]
[sin(2)*sin(1) sin(3)*sin(2) sin(4)*sin(3) sin(5)*sin(4) sin(6)*sin(5)]
[sin(3)*sin(1) sin(4)*sin(2) sin(5)*sin(3) sin(6)*sin(4) sin(7)*sin(5)]
[sin(4)*sin(1) sin(5)*sin(2) sin(6)*sin(3) sin(7)*sin(4) sin(8)*sin(5)]

sage: test_S_SR.determinant().trig_reduce() # can take a few seconds

The float version looks invertible but that's only due to machine precision. Since the internal mechanism are probably different for RR and CC, it's normal that you get different answers.

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But this happened to invertible matrix as well. The above result was only for demonstration, since it was calculated with float precision. I encountered this in a project where an invertible matrix calculated in CC had a very different inverse than the one calculated with RR. And a final result ought to be 0 but returned 0.0354399342695375 - 0.109072902259946*I.

One observation was that the invertible matrix calculated in CC was almost 1e2 times less preciece than the standard numpy matrix. After I used RR and complete the matrix inverse by directly calling the inverse function in numpy package, the result then returned correctly. There was something very wrong with the precision control of matrix inverse in CC.

ShoutOutAndCalculate gravatar imageShoutOutAndCalculate ( 4 years ago )


from numpy.linalg import inv as np_inv

returned 0.9999999999999999 and 0.9999999999999999 for one of the entry where


returned 1.07087986853908 and 0.723606797749979 for two of the entry.

where in RR both expression returned 1.00000... I don't have enough space to copy the function but you can try couple of square matrix of higher order.

For the interest in our project, default matrix inverse operation in CC worked for square matrix of 3 by 3, but failed for square matrix of 6 by 6, and default matrix inverse operation in RR worked for square matrix 6 by 6 but failed for square matrix of 10 by 10. But so far, the inverse function provided by numpy package had been working for all those cases.

ShoutOutAndCalculate gravatar imageShoutOutAndCalculate ( 4 years ago )

answered 4 years ago

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar image

WorksForMe (on 9.3.beta3) :

sage: MR=MatrixSpace(RR,3).random_element()
sage: MR
[-0.0413379232879041  -0.383726107921675   0.402484964228335]
[ 0.0264553329794861   0.345098500636929   0.264737280303141]
[ -0.141479831307881  -0.998284842827106   0.178457190865074]
sage: MR.det()
sage: MR^-1
[  27.7692689578674  -28.4039106845136  -20.4930893556867]
[ -3.59408846998909   4.22386369616762   1.83995041270540]
[  1.91007962570815   1.10972616436864 -0.350583891628722]
sage: MR*MR^-1
[     1.00000000000000 -4.99600361081320e-16  1.11022302462516e-16]
[-2.22044604925031e-16      1.00000000000000 -8.32667268468867e-17]
[-2.77555756156289e-16 -2.77555756156289e-17      1.00000000000000]
sage: MC=MR.change_ring(CC)
sage: MC
[-0.0413379232879041  -0.383726107921675   0.402484964228335]
[ 0.0264553329794861   0.345098500636929   0.264737280303141]
[ -0.141479831307881  -0.998284842827106   0.178457190865074]
sage: MC.det()
sage: MC^-1
[  27.7692689578674  -28.4039106845136  -20.4930893556867]
[ -3.59408846998909   4.22386369616762   1.83995041270540]
[  1.91007962570815   1.10972616436864 -0.350583891628722]
sage: (MC^-1)-(MR^-1)
[0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000]
[0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000]
[0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000]

Of course, that's not a proof, just an example. If you have a counter-example, I'd be glad to see it...

IMHO, Florentin is right : any deviation has probably to be attributed to imprecisions in floating point approximate computations.


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answered 4 years ago

slelievre gravatar image

It would be nice to be able to use Calcium for that.

Calcium has matrix operations in arbitrary precision.

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Asked: 4 years ago

Seen: 411 times

Last updated: Dec 10 '20