Finding polynomial solutions that belong to an ideal
I have a system of equations in which the variables belong to a certain ideal of a polynomial ring over a field. We can call this ideal I and its generators c1, c2 and c3. Let's take the ring to be F2[x1,x2,x3] and the ideal to be I=<x1x2x3−1,x2−x1,x1−1> . Let's say the equations are g1+x1w2+x2w3=x1−1, g2+x2w1+x3w3=x2−1 and g3+x1w1+w2=x3−1 and one needs to find solution to the above set of equations with variables gi and wi inside the ideal I. There are of course more variables than equations here. One obvious solution is g1=x1−1,g2=x2−1,g3=x3−1. How does one find the full set of solutions? I thought of implementing this as a syzygy problem where I take x1−1 and so on on the left but that seems to be not ideal since it is not clear whether I find all solutions or not. To simplify the problem, we can choose a cut-off for degree of polynomial solutions, for example, 1 or 2.
Is there a missing coefficient x3 in front of w2 in the last equation?