The function "view(" doesn't seem to work with jupyter notebook
I'm sorry if the question was already answered somewhere, but I did not find out an answer by myself:
In the "old" sagemath notebooks, there was a function "view" to display latex that MathJax cannot display. For instance the sage documentation proposes the following:
from sage.graphs.graph_latex import setup_latex_preamble
- In the "old" sage notebook, this produces a png version of a graph (compiled from latex), which is inserted into the output of the cell
- In the Jupyter netbook, by contrast, it opens a pdf version of the graph into an external window.
Is there some way to obtain, in the Jupyter notebook, the same behaviour as in the "old netbook" ?
Actually, the example
is a bad example because pretty_print already does what I wish, for this example (it is the example that was in the documentation of sage).But the question remains with, for instance
, for which pretty_print doesn't work (due to limitation of MathJax with respect to tables).But if someone is able to explain to me how
works, that will already be something (it displays more than whatlatex(graphs.CompleteGraph(4))