DiGraph, Latex, and same orientation
1) is it possible to write in Latex in vertices and edges ?
2) depending on whether I set the value of the Population variable to 1000 or to 100000 it swaps the branches sick and not sick, so is it a possibility to keep the same orientation each time ?
p=1000 ;print "Population : "+str(p)
sr=1/1000 ;print "Sick Rate : "+str(sr)
pfr=95/100 ;print "Positive False Rate : "+str(pfr*100)+'/'+"100"
nfr=40/100 ;print "Negative False Rate : "+str(nfr*100)+'/'+"100"
PbNS=(p-p*sr)*(1-pfr);print "Positive but Not Sick : "+str(round((p-p*sr)*(1-pfr),5))
PaS=((p-(1-sr)*p))*(1-nfr); print "Positive and Sick : ",str(round(((p-(1-sr)*p))*(1-nfr),5))
print "chance to be Sick if Tested Positive : ",PaS/(PbNS+PaS)," about :",round((PaS/(PbNS+PaS)),5)," : ",\
H0=DiGraph({0:[1,2], 1:[3,4], 2:[5,6]})
H0.set_edge_label(0, 1, "Not Sick : "+str(p-sr*p)+"/" +str(p))
H0.set_edge_label(0, 2, "Sick: "+str((p-(1-sr)*p))+'/'+str(p))
# not sick branch
H0.set_edge_label(1, 3, "Not Sick \n Tested Negative: "+str(pfr*100)+'/'+"100")
H0.set_edge_label(1, 4, "\n\n\n Not Sick \n Tested Positive: "+str((1-pfr)*100)+'/'+"100")
# sick branch
H0.set_edge_label(2, 5, "Sick Tested Negative: "+str((nfr)*100)+'/'+"100")
H0.set_edge_label(2, 6, "\n\n\n\nSick Tested Positive: \n "+str((1-nfr)*100)+'/'+"100")
H0.relabel({0:str(p)+' Peoples' , 1:str(p-p*sr), 2:str(p-p*(1-sr)), \
3:str(round((p-p*sr)*pfr,5))+' \n Tested Negative and Not Sick', \
4:str(round((p-p*sr)*(1-pfr),5))+' \n Tested positive but Not Sick', \
5:str(round(((p-(1-sr)*p))*(nfr),5))+' \n Tested Negative and Sick', \
6:str(round(((p-(1-sr)*p))*(1-nfr),5))+' \n Tested Positive and Sick'})
H0.show(vertex_color='white', vertex_shape='_',edge_labels=True,figsize=[10,10],layout='tree')
[edited the 2019/10/06, below attempt to solve pb with get_pos(),see David Coudert comment] it seems that get_pos() does not get something ?:
def ShowTreeH0(p,H0Vert,H0Pos):
sr=1/1000 ;print "Sick Rate : "+str(sr)
pfr=95/100 ;print "Positive False Rate : "+str(pfr*100)+'/'+"100"
nfr=40/100 ;print "Negative False Rate : "+str(nfr*100)+'/'+"100"
PbNS=(p-p*sr)*(1-pfr);print "Positive but Not Sick : "+str(round((p-p*sr)*(1-pfr),5))
PaS=((p-(1-sr)*p))*(1-nfr); print "Positive and Sick : ",str(round(((p-(1-sr)*p))*(1-nfr),5))
print "chance to be Sick if Tested Positive : ",PaS/(PbNS+PaS)," about :",round((PaS/(PbNS+PaS)),5)," : ",\
H0=DiGraph({0:[1,2], 1:[3,4], 2:[5,6]})
H0.set_edge_label(0, 1, "Not Sick : "+str(p-sr*p)+"/" +str(p))
H0.set_edge_label(0, 2, "Sick: "+str((p-(1-sr)*p))+'/'+str(p))
# not sick branch
H0.set_edge_label(1, 3, "Not Sick \n Tested Negative: "+str(pfr*100)+'/'+"100")
H0.set_edge_label(1, 4, "\n\n\n Not Sick \n Tested Positive: "+str((1-pfr)*100)+'/'+"100")
# sick branch
H0.set_edge_label(2, 5, "Sick Tested Negative: "+str((nfr)*100)+'/'+"100")
H0.set_edge_label(2, 6, "\n\n\n\nSick Tested Positive: \n "+str((1-nfr)*100)+'/'+"100")
H0.relabel({0:str(p)+' Peoples' , 1:str(p-p*sr), 2:str(p-p*(1-sr)), \
3:str(round((p-p*sr)*pfr,5))+' \n Tested Negative and Not Sick', \
4:str(round((p-p*sr)*(1-pfr),5))+' \n Tested positive but Not Sick', \
5:str(round(((p-(1-sr)*p))*(nfr),5))+' \n Tested Negative and Sick', \
6:str(round(((p-(1-sr)*p))*(1-nfr),5))+' \n Tested Positive and Sick'})
if H0Vert<>None and H0Vert<>None :
print " set vertice and position"
H0.show(vertex_color='white', vertex_shape='_',edge_labels=True,figsize=[10,10],layout='tree')
return H0.get_vertices(),H0.get_pos()
p=1000 ;print "Population : "+str(p)
p=100000 ;print "Population : "+str(p)
Have you tried
? For 2), you can simply set the position of vertices usingH0.set_pos(...)
instead of relying on the layout.Hi David
Have you tried latex(H0) ? are you sure it is ok ?
Imagine I want to show only in vertex 6 : √2 (could you precise me What I need to do ? I tried
6:LatexExpr(latex(sqrt(2)))+' \n Tested Positive and Sick'})
without successOops ok I see what you mean, I I do latex(H0) and in the Latex code I change the text value with \sqrt{2}