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How to Latex-print matrices as a bold uppercase letter?

asked 2019-09-05 11:02:34 +0200

adrber gravatar image

updated 2019-09-13 11:30:14 +0200

tmonteil gravatar image

Hello Sage users!

I was reading the documentation and trying to find a solution for my personal chimera of LaTeX usage: if I define $\mathbf A$ to be a matrix at some scope (document, chapter or section for example), why do I have to explictly write \mathbf every time?

So my question for Sage is this: say I have a simple 2x2 matrix

$$ \mathbf A = \left[ \begin{array}{rr} a & b \\ c & d \end{array} \right] $$

I want to, at times, do symbolic manipulations with the letter representation of this matrix, then use the latex(...) command to print it as a bold upcase letter, and to use the full matrix form at other times (with its corresponding LaTeX form).

Example of what I want:

sage: A = matrix(2,2,var('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
sage: latex(A)
a & b \\
c & d
sage: latex(A.as_symbol())

Similarly, I would like it very much to perform symbolic calculations with A in sage defined as an "abstract matrix", i.e., a symbol of type matrix, that will render as a bold uppercase A (because is of type matrix) but will be used as a symbol in computations. Example.

sage: var('A', 'B', 'c')
sage: A,B :: AbstractMatrix
sage: latex(A)
sage: A*B
sage: (A+B)*c
A*c + B*c
sage: latex(A*B)
sage: latex((A+B)*c)
\Bold{A}*c +  \Bold{B}*c

Is it possible to do this in Sage? And how?

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How do you LaTeX it without bold? Please add sample code.

rburing gravatar imagerburing ( 2019-09-07 13:48:08 +0200 )edit

Added examples of what I meant.

adrber gravatar imageadrber ( 2019-09-13 10:54:13 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-09-13 11:29:50 +0200

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 2019-09-13 12:26:22 +0200

Ragarding the first question, you should understand that when you write:

sage: A = matrix(2,2,var('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))

A is a Python name, that is a kind of pointer to the matrix object, but the matrix object doesn't know anything about which names point to it. For example, you can then do:

sage: B = A

Here B is just another Python name pointing to the very same object in memory as you can check with:

sage: B is A

So, if you want to type A.as_symbol(), there is nowhere in the matrix object that registered the fact that the matrix has "A" as a string representation.

We can define a function that finds one of the Python names of the matrix object within the globals() dictionary and pick the first one that appears (and that is not ugly like _42), but it is kind of artificial, like:

sage: def sym(a):
....:     for i in globals():
....:         if not i.startswith('_') and globals()[i] is a:
....:             return SR.var(i, latex_name="\Bold{{{}}}".format(i))

You have:

sage: latex(sym(A))

But of course:

sage: latex(sym(B))

Regarding the second question, it is a bit different, since the symbolic variable knows a string reprentation of itself, and you can even tune a latex one as follows:

sage: A = SR.var('A', latex_name="\Bold{A}")
sage: B = SR.var('B', latex_name="\Bold{B}")
sage: c = SR.var('c')
sage: A*B
sage: latex(A*B)
{\Bold{A}} {\Bold{B}}

sage: e = (A+B)*c
sage: e
(A + B)*c
sage: e.expand()
A*c + B*c
sage: latex(e.expand())
{\Bold{A}} c + {\Bold{B}} c
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Asked: 2019-09-05 11:02:34 +0200

Seen: 461 times

Last updated: Sep 13 '19