Solutions step by step in sagemath with maxima

asked 6 years ago

asv gravatar image

I know that maxima can show step by step solution of integral and maxima is also used inside sagemath in CoCalc. How can I show step by step solution in Cocalc?) and maxima is also used inside sagemath in CoCalc. How can I show step by step solution in Cocalc?

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Note this was also asked at this SO question.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 6 years ago )

Apparently the reference to step by step is to

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 6 years ago )

Yes in that site I see maxima used for step by step solution.

asv gravatar imageasv ( 6 years ago )

How to integrate step by step in maxima?

proy gravatar imageproy ( 4 years ago )