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Can't find packages combinat and cluster

asked 2018-09-27 07:08:30 +0100

HannesFelbert gravatar image

I just installed on MacBook Touchbar OSX 10.12.6. I wanted the ClusterAlgebra/Quiver package. The 2011 manual ("Compendium") says to first install the combinatorics package "combinat " by entering "./sage -combinat install". I did that on the terminal command line in various subdirectories of but got only error messages. I then tried "./sage -i combinat" which produced much output with the upshot that it couldn't find combinat. "./sage package list" showed neither combinat nor anything sounding like "cluster". I will appreciate suggestions. ---If this is not the right forum for this question, please advise where to go. Thanks.

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Can you say exactly where you found this 2011 manual? It may be quite out of date. The combinat part definitely is not accessed that way now. However yes, this is the right place to ask this question!

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 2018-09-28 03:36:41 +0100 )edit

Thanks. I googled 'cluster algebra computer package' and that 2011 manual was the first hit. From there I was directed to combinat and sage. I knew nothing about sage (still don't) so got nowhere.

HannesFelbert gravatar imageHannesFelbert ( 2018-10-02 19:36:02 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-10-02 14:56:14 +0100

Iguananaut gravatar image

I don't know what this manual is you're going by, by it must be quite old. You can always find the docs for the latest Sage version at

The current release as of writing is 8.3, but 8.1 is not all that old either relatively speaking, and the Sage Combinat package has been built into Sage for quite some time under sage.combinat, and in some cases spread out to other parts of Sage. For example:

So your best bet if you want to work with specific objects is to read the current documentation on those objects.

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Thanks. That tells me were to start looking. I downloaded 8.1 because the v8.3 dmg is listed as requiring OS X 10.13.6, but I have 10.12.6. The 8.3 installation guide has a long list of packages, but doesn't mention combinat or cluster/quiver. The 8.3 Tutorial doesn't mention combinat either. I'm fairly stuck, anyway; first time I tried to run the program it wanted to change from notebook to "Jupyter", but the tutorial doesn't explain what that is. . . .Learning curve ahead.

HannesFelbert gravatar imageHannesFelbert ( 2018-10-02 20:43:51 +0100 )edit

I think I can see the source of your confusion. Sage is really two things: Primarily it is a Python library and command-line interface based on IPython (also all written in Python as part of the sage package). If you are not deeply familiar with Python that might not make any sense. But really it's just a Python package, and Sage's language is Python (with a few extra bits of syntax that are used from time to time). Sage is also a big bundle of other software that comprise its dependencies, and the many other software packages Sage provides a common interface to. Those are the "packages" listed in the installation docs. Support for quiver algebras is just part of the core sage package.

Iguananaut gravatar imageIguananaut ( 2018-10-03 15:06:19 +0100 )edit

Meanwhile sage.combinat just refers to a sub-package of the sage Python package. It's where much of the combinatorics code lives, though not all. But that's mostly an implementation detail not of concern for a beginner. The reason you were having trouble is that the sage-combinat package used to be a separate package from the main Sage package, but not anymore. Your best bet is to always search the reference manual for topics you are interested in (as in the link I gave above). If there exists a longer tutorial for the topic there will typically also be a link to that tutorial, but for many narrow areas of interest there won't be a specific tutorial (someone would have to write it!). But it is good to go through some of the more basic tutorials as well.

Iguananaut gravatar imageIguananaut ( 2018-10-03 15:10:25 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2018-09-27 07:08:30 +0100

Seen: 329 times

Last updated: Oct 02 '18