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Finite graphs in latex

asked 2017-11-11 05:54:21 +0100

chebolu gravatar image

I want to have a finite graph G on 10 vertices in my latex document. I thought the easiest way to get it is to first draw it sage notebook using the graph_editor(). Then use latex(G) to get the latex code and copy and paste it. But when I do this, I keep getting errors. It says undefined control sequence for \Vertex..

Is there any example which will walk me through these steps? Many thanks for your help,

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2 Answers

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answered 2017-11-11 10:33:31 +0100

tmonteil gravatar image

To do it that way, you need to use the package tkz-graph, by adding the following to the header of your LaTeX file:


On Debian GNU/Linux (or Ubuntu), you have to install the texlive-pictures package

For more details, see:

sage: sage.graphs.graph_latex?
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answered 2017-11-11 15:44:09 +0100

Sébastien gravatar image

updated 2017-11-11 15:45:07 +0100

After installing dot2tex with

sage -i dot2tex

and with graphviz installed, you may create a tikzpicture from the positions of vertices decided by graphviz:

sage: G = graphs.AztecDiamondGraph(2)
sage: G.latex_options().set_options(format='dot2tex', prog='dot', edge_labels=True, color_by_label=False)

The tikzpicture code is:

sage: latex(G)
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,line join=bevel,]
\node (node_9) at (26.5bp,8.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(2, 3\right)$};
  \node (node_8) at (61.5bp,61.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(2, 2\right)$};
  \node (node_7) at (90.5bp,114.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(2, 1\right)$};
  \node (node_6) at (114.5bp,167.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(2, 0\right)$};
  \node (node_5) at (14.5bp,61.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(1, 3\right)$};
  \node (node_4) at (32.5bp,114.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(1, 2\right)$};
  \node (node_3) at (67.5bp,167.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(1, 1\right)$};
  \node (node_2) at (102.5bp,220.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(1, 0\right)$};
  \node (node_1) at (20.5bp,167.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(0, 2\right)$};
  \node (node_0) at (32.5bp,220.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(0, 1\right)$};
  \node (node_11) at (96.5bp,8.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(3, 2\right)$};
  \node (node_10) at (108.5bp,61.5bp) [draw,draw=none] {$\left(3, 1\right)$};
  \draw [black,] (node_0) ..controls (44.282bp,202.33bp) and (55.687bp,185.71bp)  .. (node_3);
  \draw [black,] (node_4) ..controls (42.262bp,96.332bp) and (51.712bp,79.713bp)  .. (node_8);
  \draw [black,] (node_4) ..controls (26.441bp,96.332bp) and (20.575bp,79.713bp)  .. (node_5);
  \draw [black,] (node_8) ..controls (49.718bp,43.332bp) and (38.313bp,26.713bp)  .. (node_9);
  \draw [black,] (node_3) ..controls (55.718bp,149.33bp) and (44.313bp,132.71bp)  .. (node_4);
  \draw [black,] (node_6) ..controls (106.42bp,149.33bp) and (98.6bp,132.71bp)  .. (node_7);
  \draw [black,] (node_5) ..controls (18.539bp,43.332bp) and (22.45bp,26.713bp)  .. (node_9);
  \draw [black,] (node_8) ..controls (73.282bp,43.332bp) and (84.687bp,26.713bp)  .. (node_11);
  \draw [black,] (node_1) ..controls (24.539bp,149.33bp) and (28.45bp,132.71bp)  .. (node_4);
  \draw [black,] (node_2) ..controls (90.718bp,202.33bp) and (79.313bp,185.71bp)  .. (node_3);
  \draw [black,] (node_7) ..controls (80.738bp,96.332bp) and (71.288bp,79.713bp)  .. (node_8);
  \draw [black,] (node_2) ..controls (106.54bp,202.33bp) and (110.45bp,185.71bp)  .. (node_6);
  \draw [black,] (node_0) ..controls (28.461bp,202.33bp) and (24.55bp,185.71bp)  .. (node_1);
  \draw [black,] (node_10) ..controls (104.46bp,43.332bp) and (100.55bp,26.713bp)  .. (node_11);
  \draw [black,] (node_7) ..controls (96.559bp,96.332bp) and (102.42bp,79.713bp)  .. (node_10);
  \draw [black,] (node_3) ..controls (75.242bp,149.33bp) and (82.737bp,132.71bp)  .. (node_7);

You may get a preview:

sage: view(G)

image description

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Note that with this method, graphviz recomputes the positions of the vertices. In the case of the Aztec diamond, the positions are set to fit within the integer lattice ZZ^2.

Compare with:

sage: G.plot()
tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2017-11-11 17:11:45 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2017-11-11 05:54:21 +0100

Seen: 653 times

Last updated: Nov 11 '17