Is there a way to check whether or not this is a floating point error?
I have the following functions defined:
Now, if I use the solve function:
sage: solve(AA(N,j,k)==0,N)
I get the output
[sin(4*pi*k/N) == (sin(8*pi/N)*sin(6*pi/N)*sin(4*pi/N)^3*sin(2*pi/N)^2*sin(-2*(pi
- pi*j)/N)*sin(-2*(pi - pi*k)/N) - sin(2*pi*j/N)*sin(12*pi/N)*sin(4*pi/N)^2*sin(2*pi/N)*sin(-2*(pi
- pi*k)/N) - (sin(4*pi*j/N)*sin(2*pi*j/N)*sin(6*pi/N)*sin(2*pi/N)*sin(2*(pi
+ pi*j)/N)*sin(-2*(pi - pi*j)/N) + sin(12*pi/N)*sin(4*pi/N)^2*sin(2*pi/N)*sin(-2*(pi
- pi*j)/N) - sin(2*pi*j/N)*sin(12*pi/N)*sin(4*pi/N))*sin(2*pi*k/N))/(sin(2*pi*j/N)*sin(2*pi*k/N)*sin(6*pi/N)*sin(2*pi/N)*sin(2*(pi
+ pi*k)/N)*sin(-2*(pi - pi*k)/N))]
However, it is my hope that this equation has no solutions. Indeed, if I add to the assumption that AA(N,j,k)>0, I obtain a contradiction (inconsistent assumptions), but if I add AA(N,j,k)==0, I don't get inconsistent assumptions.
Is there a way to check if this is a floating point error, or if there really is a solution with my assumptions?
Please write mathematically what you need, it may be simpler to compile the code. So for instance, we can set $$x=\frac{2\pi}N$$ and write simpler formulas, e.g. $$s(k) = \sin(2kx)\sin((k-1)x)\sin((k+1)x)\ ,$$ $$w(k)= \frac{\sin((k-1)x)}{\sin(kx)}\sin(2x)\sin x\ .$$ (And i do not get the point of the one more bracket in the definition of
.) NowAA
is hard to compile humanly. (Can it be written mathematically in a simple manner?)Please explain now the question.
numers in practice? Or symbolic variables and we want to solve using sage a theoretical question. (But then where is the floating value?)