Let us put some more notation in there, that will support the code.
So we seek integers M≤1010 of which the decimal part K of their square root begin by 2017.
Mathematically written:
K+201710 000≤√M<K+201810 000
Sample: sqrt(10858) = 104.201727...
. So M=10858 is a "good M-value".
Proposal: Let us equivalently look for the K-values instead of the M values. So we rewrite the statement:
we seek integers K<1010/2 so that between the two numbers
a(K)=(K+201710 000)2 , b(K)=(K+201810 000)2
there exist at least an integer M.
Sample: 104.2017^2 = 10857.99428289
and 104.2018^2 = 10858.01512324
. So M=10858 is a good M-value.
An other sample.
sage: "%.4f" % ( 8888.2017^2 )
sage: "%.4f" % ( 8888.2018^2 )
So the two numbers M=79000129 and M=79000130 are both good values. Explicitly:
sage: for K in range( 79000124, 79000135 ): print "sqrt(%s) ~ %.4f" % ( K, sqrt(RR(K)) )
sqrt(79000124) ~ 8888.2014
sqrt(79000125) ~ 8888.2014
sqrt(79000126) ~ 8888.2015
sqrt(79000127) ~ 8888.2016
sqrt(79000128) ~ 8888.2016
sqrt(79000129) ~ 8888.2017
sqrt(79000130) ~ 8888.2017
sqrt(79000131) ~ 8888.2018
sqrt(79000132) ~ 8888.2018
sqrt(79000133) ~ 8888.2019
sqrt(79000134) ~ 8888.2020
In such a case, we have to count the integer K twice.
Since K2∈Z, we can simplify the above condition. We seek equivalently
integers K<105 so that between the two numbers
A(K)=2K⋅201710 000+(201710 000)2
B(K)=2K⋅201810 000+(201810 000)2
there exist at least an integer M.
The posted code seems to only count the "good" integers M. Then the equivalent counting program would be:
def count_M_values( bound, list_M_vales=False ):
s = 2017 / 10000
t = 2018 / 10000
ss = s^2
tt = t^2
counter = 0
mList = []
for K in xrange( bound ):
addtocounter = floor( 2*K*t + tt ) - floor( 2*K*s + ss )
if addtocounter:
counter += addtocounter
if list_M_vales:
mList . extend( [ floor( (K+s)^2 ) + 1 .. floor( (K+t)^2 ) ] )
if list_M_vales:
return counter, mList
return counter
This gives for instance:
sage: count_M_values( 10**1 )
sage: count_M_values( 10**2 )
sage: count_M_values( 200 )
sage: count_M_values( 200, True )
(3, [10858, 24399, 25986])
sage: count_M_values( 300, True )
(9, [10858, 24399, 25986, 45455, 47612, 49819, 73009, 75736, 78513])
sage: count_M_values( 10**3 )
sage: count_M_values( 10**4 )
sage: count_M_values( 10**5 )
sage: count_M_values( 10**6 )
sage: count_M_values( 10**7 )
(We have a nice count pattern that we can now investigate mathematically.)
Note that the bound 10**7
above applies for K, we are thus going up to an M--bound
equal to 1014. The post wanted the answer for the K-bound 10**5
One more check for the K-bound 300:
count, mList = count_M_values( 300, True )
for M in mList:
print "sqrt( %s ) ~ %.7f" % ( M, RR( sqrt(M) ) )
We get:
sqrt( 10858 ) ~ 104.2017274
sqrt( 24399 ) ~ 156.2017926
sqrt( 25986 ) ~ 161.2017370
sqrt( 45455 ) ~ 213.2017824
sqrt( 47612 ) ~ 218.2017415
sqrt( 49819 ) ~ 223.2017025
sqrt( 73009 ) ~ 270.2017765
sqrt( 75736 ) ~ 275.2017442
sqrt( 78513 ) ~ 280.2017131