where is the SageMath "Demonstrations Project"?
I am sure most of you are aware of the Wolfram Demonstrations Project. If not, it’s a library of interactive models demonstrating different mathematical concepts. If you buy Mathematica you can edit and experiment with the code yourself. I find it really helpful to be able to investigate something in a interactive graph to understand the relationships in say an economic model, e.g. this example of a basic supply and demand model, this more intricate Keynesian IS-LM Model, or this model that allows you to investigate income and substitution effects with different utility functions.
Friendly people here at ask.sagemath have a couple of times answered my questions by posting code to http://sagecell.sagemath.org, which I really appreciate, e.g. this visualization of logistic population growth, but is there a way to search for SageMath code examples or some library of interactive SageMath models demonstrating different mathematical concepts like the Wolfram Demonstrations Project? I'm also interested to share projects myself.
I think something like a SageMath "Demonstrations Project" could be a great way to demonstrate the power of SageMath in an very accessible way, and possibly contribute to spreading the awareness of SageMath.
Update - the second version of the UTMOST grant, combined with the Curated Courses grant, may resuscitate a lot of this - at least for specific course content.
@kcrisman, thank you for the update. Do you have a link to somewhere where I can read about this or could you elaborate what this entails and when such a thing would happen?
@etb - If I understand correctly, the grant mentioned at https://groups.google.com/d/topic/mat... is where this would happen, though I am not privy to all details. Probably a work in progress over the next couple years.