Listing elements of (Z/nZ)*
I want to find all the elements of (Z/nZ)*. Is there a command for that ? For example if the user gives input 8, the the output will be {1,3,5,7}.
I want to find all the elements of (Z/nZ)*. Is there a command for that ? For example if the user gives input 8, the the output will be {1,3,5,7}.
You can use the method with a surprizing long but explicit name list_of_elements_of_multiplicative_group
sage: G = Zmod(8) ; G
Ring of integers modulo 8
sage: G.list_of_elements_of_multiplicative_group()
[1, 3, 5, 7]
If you want this set as a genuine group, you can do:
sage: G.unit_group()
Multiplicative Abelian group isomorphic to C2 x C2
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Asked: 2016-10-01 18:28:42 +0100
Seen: 1,343 times
Last updated: Oct 01 '16
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