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Projection of vector

asked 8 years ago

etb gravatar image

updated 8 years ago

I'm working to reproduce an example made in GeoGebra* using Sage. What I got in GeoGebra looks like this, image description

  • would add link if I could …

The goal is to find the length of _j_ only knowing _A_, _B_, and _C_.

Here's where I'm at in Sage, it seems really smart, but all help files and templates I find online feels way too advanced for where I'm currently at. I've written the code below and it's currently look like this, image description

code (thanks to @tmonteil I've been able to update my code with some calculations, I am still struggling to produce the plot),

A = (9, 5); B = (2, 4); C = (16, -2);
AB = vector(B)-vector(A)
BC = vector(C)-vector(B)
P = plot(x,(x,2,5), color='red')
P += AB.plot(color='green', start=A)
P += BC.plot(color='green', start=B)
print "Length of AB proj. onto BC"
show(P, figsize=5, aspect_ratio=1)

# show(AB.inner_product(BC)/BC.norm()^2*v2)
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answered 8 years ago

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 8 years ago

Your approach will not work since you try to play with plots. Instead, you have to play with vectors, not their plots.

To my understanding of the picture, D is the orthogonal projection of A to the line (B,C).

If v1 denotes the vector BA and v2 denotes the vector BC, the length j is the inner product of v1 by v2 divided by the norm of v2. Here is how to do it in Sage:

sage: A = (9, 5); B = (2, 4); C = (16, -2);
sage: v1 = vector(A)-vector(B)
sage: v2 = vector(C)-vector(B)
sage: v1.inner_product(v2)/v2.norm()

If you want a floating approximation, you can do:

sage: RDF(v1.inner_product(v2)/v2.norm())

EDIT : When you write

sage: plot(x,(x,2,5),color='red')

You ask Sage to plot the function x (i.e. the identity function), for x varying from 2 to 5.

To compute the coordinates of D, you can do:

sage: BA = -AB
sage: D = vector(B) + BC*BA.inner_product(BC)/BC.norm()/BC.norm()
sage: D
(219/29, 47/29)

To add the point D on the picture, you can do:

sage: P += point(D)

If you want the x-axis and the y-axis to have the same scale (so that the right angles are visible), you can do:

sage: P.set_aspect_ratio(1)
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You may look at an edited version of your code here.

ndomes gravatar imagendomes ( 8 years ago )

Nice picture, thanks !

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 8 years ago )

@ndomes, thanks! That is amazing! If you add it as an answer I'll be happy to mark it answering my question!

etb gravatar imageetb ( 8 years ago )

@ndomes, how did you create this page do you have an account somewhere or? I am interested to share some sage code online.

etb gravatar imageetb ( 8 years ago )

Much belated note to @etb - you don't have to have an account to use the Sage cell server, you can just type right into it!

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 4 years ago )

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Asked: 8 years ago

Seen: 2,565 times

Last updated: Jul 22 '16