Solving polynomial equations with Groebner basis in R
I am trying to solve the following system of polynomial equations: x2+y2+z2=4 x2+2y2=5 xz=1
I used the following command to get a Groebner basis
P.<x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(QQ,order='lex')
PList = [x^2+y^2+z^2-4, x^2+2*y^2-5, x*z-1]
I = ideal(PList)
B = I.groebner_basis(); B
[x + 2*z^3 - 3*z, y^2 - z^2 - 1, z^4 - 3/2*z^2 + 1/2]
Now I want to use B.subs() to plug the solutions for z to solve for x,y. It worked well for z=±1.
[x - 1, y^2 - 2, 0]
but not for the 1/√2 since this is in polynomial ring Q[x,y,z]. If I change the original QQ to RR, the numbers become all decimals.
[x - 1.41421356237310, y^2 - 1.50000000000000, 0]
How can I still get exact solutions when using RR? I know I can compute this example by hands, but I'd like to know how to use Sage to solve this kind of problems.
Thank you for any help!