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Represent field element in normal basis

asked 2016-04-05 15:21:12 +0100

Belphegor gravatar image

Hi there

I'm having a normal basis, which is a basis of Fpn over Fp where (n=2) NB = [zeta, zeta*p] and a point P = E2.change_ring(Fpn).random_element() I would like to find a,b in Fp such that P = aNB[0] + b*NB[1]

Naive solutions result is memory overflow, and the Solve() function can't give me solutions with a,b in Fp. Any ideas?

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slelievre gravatar imageslelievre ( 2016-04-05 15:49:21 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-04-12 13:06:59 +0100

B r u n o gravatar image

If I understand your problem correctly, this is simply linear algebra. Let me denote by $F$ the field $GF(p)$ (for $p=123457$ for instance), and $K = GF(p^2)$, with variable $z$:

sage: p = 123457
sage: F = GF(p)
sage: K.<z> = F.extension(2) # or: K.<z> = GF(p^2)
sage: P = K.random_element()
sage: zeta = z+3 # happens to be a generator of a normal basis
sage: NB = [zeta, zeta^p]
sage: P = K.random_element()

OK, now I have defined all the objects. Next, I turn the problem into linear algebra:

sage: v = vector(P.polynomial().coefficients())
sage: v
(62425, 47898)
sage: M = matrix([n.polynomial().coefficients() for n in NB]).transpose()
sage: M
[     3      2]
[     1 123456]
sage: a, b = M.solve_right(v)
sage: a*NB[0] + b*NB[1] == P
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Asked: 2016-04-05 15:21:12 +0100

Seen: 862 times

Last updated: Apr 12 '16