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Extracting coefficients from symbolic expressions

asked 9 years ago

Peter Luschny gravatar image

Assume a list of symbolic expressions (x0, x1,... are symbolic variables) like

[0, -15*x1^3/x0^7 + 10*x1*x2/x0^6 - x3/x0^5, 15*x1^2/x0^6 - 4*x2/x0^5, -6*x1/x0^5, x0^(-4)]

I want to extract the integer coefficients and get as result

[[0], [-15, 10, -1], [15, -4], [-6], [1]]

What is the most efficient/elegant method to accomplish this?

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answered 9 years ago

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 9 years ago

A possibility is to transform each element as a fraction and look at the coefficients of the numerator. The main issue is about the leading 0 which is not an element of the symbolic ring, and whose list of coefficients is empty. So here is a way (the fill function transforms [] into [0]):

sage: L  = [0, -15*x1^3/x0^7 + 10*x1*x2/x0^6 - x3/x0^5, 15*x1^2/x0^6 - 4*x2/x0^5, -6*x1/x0^5, x0^(-4)]

sage: fill = lambda x : [0] if not x else x
sage: [fill(SR(p).fraction(ZZ).numerator().coefficients()) for p in L]
[[0], [-15, 10, -1], [15, -4], [-6], [1]]
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Asked: 9 years ago

Seen: 1,233 times

Last updated: Feb 05 '16