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curve fitting coefficients.

asked 9 years ago

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get the model coefficients, but I can not use them to plot the graph. How to solve?

see the code:

dados = [(0, -0.183440428023042),
 (0.200000000000000, -0.131101157495126),
 (0.400000000000000, 0.0268875670852843),
 (0.800000000000000, 0.110532679260319),
 (1.00000000000000, 0.253944632998395),
 (1.20000000000000, 0.257190123748649),
 (1.40000000000000, 0.531888837111346),
 (1.60000000000000, 0.579048247883555),
 (2.00000000000000, 0.935180993484717),
 (2.20000000000000, 0.916600344376623),
 (2.60000000000000, 1.13328608090532),
 (2.80000000000000, 1.26893326843583),
 (3.00000000000000, 1.10202945535186),
 (3.40000000000000, 1.13391615491257)]

point(dados,color = "red",size=20,legend_label="pontos coletados")

modelo(x) = a*x+b;modelo

a,b = find_fit(dados, modelo);a;b

modelo(x) = a*x+b

point(dados,color = "red",size=20,legend_label="pontos coletados") + plot(modelo(x),(x,0,3))
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
ValueError: Variable 'x' not found
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What are 'a' and 'b'? Did you define them as variables?

vdelecroix gravatar imagevdelecroix ( 9 years ago )

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answered 9 years ago

vdelecroix gravatar image

You should do

sage: a,b = var('a', 'b')
sage: modelo(x) = a*x+b
sage: print modelo
x |--> a*x + b
sage: d = find_fit(dados, modelo, solution_dict=True)
sage: print d
{b: -0.1757321718542446, a: 0.4599622663189693}
sage: modelo2 = modelo.subs(d)
sage: print modelo2
x |--> 0.4599622663189693*x - 0.1757321718542446
sage: point(dados,color = "red",size=20,legend_label="pontos coletados") + plot(modelo2,(x,0,3))

In your code, the variable does not get substituted as expected. You can see it by printing what is modelo.

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hello vdelecroix Thank you for your help ;). Now it works correctly.

jmarcellopereira gravatar imagejmarcellopereira ( 9 years ago )

@jmarcellopereira De nada! If you are satisfied with my answer, you can select it with the check box that appear on its left ("mark this answer as correct"). That way this question will appeared as "solved" in the list of questions.

vdelecroix gravatar imagevdelecroix ( 9 years ago )

marked ;)

jmarcellopereira gravatar imagejmarcellopereira ( 9 years ago )

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Asked: 9 years ago

Seen: 923 times

Last updated: Jan 04 '16