line numbers in web notebook
I use Sage in my Mozilla Firefox browser as notebook and wanted to know how i get line numbers in my computing cells.
I use Sage in my Mozilla Firefox browser as notebook and wanted to know how i get line numbers in my computing cells.
In the Sage Notebook, there is no way to display line numbers or cell numbers, as far as I know.
In the Jupyter Notebook, cells are numbered, but I don't think there is a way to display line numbers.
To run the Jupyter notebook with Sage (version 6.9 or more recent), run the following terminal command:
sage -n jupyter
This will let you explore your filesystem hiearchy (starting from the place you launched the above command from) and you can click "New" to create a new Jupyter Notebook any place you like.
The SageMathCloud worksheets are the only way I know to get line numbering for the whole worksheet. To use it, create an account on SageMathCloud at and create a new project. In this project, create a new Sage worksheet.
If you feel comfortable, you can also try to install your personal SageMathCloud on your machine. There are discussions on the sage-cloud mailing list about this process.
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Asked: 2015-12-31 00:24:48 +0100
Seen: 1,106 times
Last updated: Dec 31 '15
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