Factor large integer
I would like to factor a large integer like 1+ 3* 4* 7* 11* 18* 29* 47* 76* 123* 199* 322* 521* 843* 1364* 2207* 3571* 5778* 9349* 15127* 24476* 39603* 64079* 103682* 167761* 271443* 439204* 710647* 1149851. I tried Sage Cell Server but this number is probably too large. Could someone give me some suggestions? By the way, factoring a smaller number like 1+ 3* 4* 7* 11* 18* 29* 47* 76* 123* 199* 322* 521* 843* 1364* 2207* 3571* 5778* 9349* 15127* 24476* 39603* 64079* 103682* 167761* 271443* 439204* 710647 takes Sage Cell only about 15 seconds.
It is 1+ product of n th Lucas numbers where n runs from 1 to 29