![]() | 1 | initial version |
There might be a timeout on Sage cell server, since it is a shared ressource, not intented for huge computations. On my (5 years old) laptop, it takes 2 minutes.
sage: a = 1+ 3* 4* 7* 11* 18* 29* 47* 76* 123* 199* 322* 521* 843* 1364* 2207* 3571* 5778* 9349* 15127* 24476* 39603* 64079* 103682* 167761* 271443* 439204* 710647* 1149851
sage: %time a.factor()
CPU times: user 1min 59s, sys: 148 ms, total: 1min 59s
Wall time: 1min 59s
5 * 251 * 11057 * 66771250679140907 * 873171973456290849822052031001587 * 6815285624103819813968603246444759
So, i suggest you to run Sage from your computer.
![]() | 2 | No.2 Revision |
There might be a timeout on Sage cell server, since it is a shared ressource, resource, not intented intended for huge computations. On my (5 years year old) laptop, it takes 2 minutes.
sage: a = 1+ 3* 4* 7* 11* 18* 29* 47* 76* 123* 199* 322* 521* 843* 1364* 2207* 3571* 5778* 9349* 15127* 24476* 39603* 64079* 103682* 167761* 271443* 439204* 710647* 1149851
sage: %time a.factor()
CPU times: user 1min 59s, sys: 148 ms, total: 1min 59s
Wall time: 1min 59s
5 * 251 * 11057 * 66771250679140907 * 873171973456290849822052031001587 * 6815285624103819813968603246444759
So, i suggest you to run Sage from your computer.