Preserving aspect ratio in animation
I'm trying to animate a series of increasing, nested tori. I'm testing the code for the first one, but the aspect ratio isn't behaving, and axes are showing up. I've tried messing with figsize, to no avail. Suggestions?
u,v = var('u,v')
def is_even(n):
return n%2 == 0
def c(n):
return 2/3*(4^(n+1)-4)
def torus(n,u,v):
if is_even(n):
return [(2*4**n + 4**n*cos(u))*cos(v), (2*4**n + 4**n*cos(u))*sin(v) + c(n), 4**n*sin(u)]
return [4**n*sin(u), (2*4**n + 4**n*cos(u))*sin(v) + c(n), (2*4**n + 4**n*cos(u))*cos(v)]
T = []
for i in range(10):
T.append(parametric_plot3d(torus(0,u,v), (u,0,(i+1)*2*pi/9), (v,0,(i+1)*2*pi/9), axes="false"))
a = animate(T)