Sage fails to evaluate this expression.
Sage doesn't seem to compute correctly 8*sin(pi/9)^3 - 6*sin(pi/9) + 3^(1/2)
which is plain zero.
asked 2015-03-29 11:12:06 +0100
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Sage doesn't seem to compute correctly 8*sin(pi/9)^3 - 6*sin(pi/9) + 3^(1/2)
which is plain zero.
Sage can compute it, but you must help it with reduce_trig():
a = 8*sin(pi/9)^3 - 6*sin(pi/9) + 3^(1/2)
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Asked: 2015-03-29 11:12:06 +0100
Seen: 393 times
Last updated: Mar 30 '15
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