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How could I work with polynomial fields?

asked 2015-02-05 04:10:47 +0100

Matcos gravatar image

I have the simple program:

a = var('a')
b = 1/a
for i in (1..5):
  c = b+1
  b = 1/c
  print b,",", c

The result is:

1/(1/a + 1) , 1/a + 1
1/(1/(1/a + 1) + 1) , 1/(1/a + 1) + 1
1/(1/(1/(1/a + 1) + 1) + 1) , 1/(1/(1/a + 1) + 1) + 1
1/(1/(1/(1/(1/a + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) , 1/(1/(1/(1/a + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1
1/(1/(1/(1/(1/(1/a + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) , 1/(1/(1/(1/(1/a + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1

Is there a way to get simpler expressions?

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Thank you all!

Matcos gravatar imageMatcos ( 2015-02-05 08:24:26 +0100 )edit

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slelievre gravatar imageslelievre ( 2015-02-05 09:09:30 +0100 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-02-05 04:31:25 +0100

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 2015-02-05 04:31:59 +0100

First, you can simplify the symbolic expression (which is not an algebraic object, just a formula) you obtained:

sage: b.full_simplify()
(5*a + 3)/(8*a + 5)

Then you can indeed work on the genuine fraction field of a polynomial ring:

sage: R.<a> = QQ[]
sage: F = R.fraction_field()
sage: b = 1/F(a)
sage: for i in (1..5):
....:     c = b+1
....:     b = 1/c
....:     print b,",", c
a/(a + 1) , (a + 1)/a
(a + 1)/(2*a + 1) , (2*a + 1)/(a + 1)
(2*a + 1)/(3*a + 2) , (3*a + 2)/(2*a + 1)
(3*a + 2)/(5*a + 3) , (5*a + 3)/(3*a + 2)
(5*a + 3)/(8*a + 5) , (8*a + 5)/(5*a + 3)

You can see this page for a short presentation.

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answered 2015-02-05 04:26:27 +0100

kcrisman gravatar image
sage: for i in (1..5):
....:       c = b+1
....:       b = 1/c
....:       print b.simplify_full(),",",c.simplify_full()
a/(a + 1) , (a + 1)/a
(a + 1)/(2*a + 1) , (2*a + 1)/(a + 1)
(2*a + 1)/(3*a + 2) , (3*a + 2)/(2*a + 1)
(3*a + 2)/(5*a + 3) , (5*a + 3)/(3*a + 2)
(5*a + 3)/(8*a + 5) , (8*a + 5)/(5*a + 3)

That said, I'd use something like this:

sage: L = []
sage: for i in (1..5):
      c = b+1
      b = 1/c
sage: table(L,header_row=['b','c'])
  b                         c
  (8*a + 5)/(13*a + 8)      (13*a + 8)/(8*a + 5)
  (13*a + 8)/(21*a + 13)    (21*a + 13)/(13*a + 8)
  (21*a + 13)/(34*a + 21)   (34*a + 21)/(21*a + 13)
  (34*a + 21)/(55*a + 34)   (55*a + 34)/(34*a + 21)
  (55*a + 34)/(89*a + 55)   (89*a + 55)/(55*a + 34)

In the notebook if you do html(table(...)) and make sure to have everything be in latex() like so

sage: for i in (1..5):
      c = b+1
      b = 1/c
sage: html(table(L,header_row=['b','c']))
<div class="notruncate">
<table  class="table_form">
<tr class ="row-a">
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{144 \, a + 89}{233 \, a + 144} </script></td>
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{233 \, a + 144}{144 \, a + 89} </script></td>
<tr class ="row-b">
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{233 \, a + 144}{377 \, a + 233} </script></td>
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{377 \, a + 233}{233 \, a + 144} </script></td>
<tr class ="row-a">
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{377 \, a + 233}{610 \, a + 377} </script></td>
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{610 \, a + 377}{377 \, a + 233} </script></td>
<tr class ="row-b">
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{610 \, a + 377}{987 \, a + 610} </script></td>
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{987 \, a + 610}{610 \, a + 377} </script></td>
<tr class ="row-a">
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{987 \, a + 610}{1597 \, a + 987} </script></td>
<td><script type="math/tex"> \frac{1597 \, a + 987}{987 \, a + 610} </script></td>

could be even more awesome. Good luck!

PS naturally I didn't answer about polynomial fields, but this is also possible, I think. See e.g. here.

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Asked: 2015-02-05 04:10:47 +0100

Seen: 440 times

Last updated: Feb 05 '15