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public.pem File Not Created in OSX Lion

asked 11 years ago

jIyajbe gravatar image

updated 9 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

Hi all,

I compiled 6.1.1 on OSX Lion. The compile went flawlessly. I did

./sage -i openssl make ssl

My goal is to run a Sage server. I issued the command

sage: notebook(interface='', ulimit='-v 500000',accounts=True,automatic_login=False, secure=True)

notebook().setup ran automatically. It successfully created cert.cfg and private.pem, but did not create public.pem. And that (eventually) caused the server to fail:

Failed to load application: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/wheelock/.sage/notebook/public.pem'

I can run the server in unsecured mode, works great.

Can anyone shed any light on this? Any tests I could run, or perhaps a fix?

The complete transcript is pasted below.

Thanks much in advance!



sage: sage: notebook(interface='', ulimit='-v 500000',accounts=True,automatic_login=False, secure=True)

The notebook files are stored in: sage_notebook.sagenb

In order to use an SECURE encrypted notebook, you must first run notebook.setup().

Now running notebook.setup()

Domain name [localhost]:

Using openssl to generate key

openssl genrsa 1024 > /Users/wheelock/.sage/notebook/private.pem

WARNING: can't open config file: /Users/wheelock/Apps/sage-6.1.1/local/openssl/openssl.cnf

Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus



e is 65537 (0x10001)

certtool --generate-self-signed --template /Users/wheelock/.sage/notebook/cert.cfg --load-privkey /Users/wheelock/.sage/notebook/private.pem --outfile



Create a keypair and cert: certtool c [options]

Create a CSR: certtool r outFileName [options]

Verify a CSR: certtool v infileName [options]

Create a system Identity: certtool C domainName [options]

Import a certificate: certtool i inFileName [options]

Display a certificate: certtool d inFileName [options]

Import a CRL: certtool I inFileName [options]

Display a CRL: certtool D inFileName [options]

Display certs and CRLs in keychain: certtool y [options]



c (create the keychain)

p=passphrase (specify passphrase at keychain creation)

o=outFileName (create cert command only)

v (verbose)

d (infile/outfile in DER format; default is PEM)

r=privateKeyFileName (optional; for Import Certificate only)

f=[18fo] (private key format = PKCS1/PKCS8/FIPS186; default is PKCS1 (openssl) for RSA, openssl for DSA, PKCS8 for Diffie-Hellman, OpenSSL for ECDSA

x=[asSm] (Extended Key Usage: a=Any; s=SSL Client; S=SSL Server; m=SMIME)

a (create key with default ACL)

u (create key with ACL limiting access to current UID)

P (Don't create system identity if one already exists for specified domain)


Successfully configured notebook.

Failed to setup notebook. Please try notebook.setup() again manually.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? Open your web browser to https://localhost:8080 ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

There is an admin account. If you do not remember the password, quit the notebook and type notebook(reset=True).

Executing twistd --pidfile="sage_notebook.sagenb/" -ny "sage_notebook.sagenb/twistedconf.tac"

/Users/wheelock/Apps/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Crypto/Util/ PowmInsecureWarning: Not using mpz_powm_sec. You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability.

_warn("Not using mpz_powm_sec. You should rebuild using ...

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Asked: 11 years ago

Seen: 757 times

Last updated: May 12 '15