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Interactive 3D

asked 2014-02-15 17:54:45 +0100

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I really miss not being able to rotate, etc. graphics, since Apple seems to block the Jmol applet for security reasons. Does anyone know whether anything is being done at the Sage development level about the situation? I'm using Safari.

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You can read this : You can also try the function threejs()

moroplogo gravatar imagemoroplogo ( 2014-02-16 16:50:34 +0100 )edit

Also, if you downgrade your Java it's possible to keep using Jmol on Apple, at least on some versions of Apple.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 2014-02-16 20:36:58 +0100 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2014-02-16 20:36:26 +0100

kcrisman gravatar image

You can already get some similar functionality if you enable WebGL with the viewer='canvas3d' option in 3d plots. Not the same, of course, but doesn't use Java, anyway, and is interactive. I don't know how well it supports some of the texture options.

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answered 2014-02-19 14:40:13 +0100

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There has been a good amount of work directed toward three.js. Jason Grout mentioned it and gave a working example in this answer to another question, and here's a really simple example at (also from Jason Grout):

threejs(parametric_plot(r,(t,0,3*pi), thickness=5))
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answered 2014-02-16 03:07:57 +0100

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Also check and, both of which can use webgl based 3D plots.

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Asked: 2014-02-15 17:54:45 +0100

Seen: 1,126 times

Last updated: Feb 19 '14