Implicit plotting accuracy
I am trying to plot this implicit function
What I get is
Is there a way to make the curves thinner ?
var('x y')
k = 8/5
eqn = sin((k*x)^2+(k*y)^2) == cos(k^2*x*y)
This seems to work, I rewrote it like this and got better results: f(x,y)=sin(x^2+y^2)-cos(x*y) implicit_plot(f,(x,-10,10),(y,-10,10),plot_points=3000) Still I am also looking for a way to make the lines thinner, is it possible ?
Yes. The linewidth option works for me. The documentation is [here]( Perhaps you haven't used it properly? Try making the last command: implicit_plot(eqn,(x,-10,10),(y,-10,10),plot_points=1000,linewidth=.1)
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Asked: 11 years ago
Seen: 625 times
Last updated: Nov 23 '13
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Implicit plot in tachyon scene
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X and Y values of plot points using implicit_plot
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Can you give the precise code you used to plot this? The `thickness` parameter may be helpful, if I understand your question correctly.
I use implicit_plot which does not have a thickness option as far as I know. Changing plot_points and linewidths options doesn't seem to make any difference.
@dazedANDconfused answers this piece - we should probably standardize these names...