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computation limtations in Sage cloud

asked 11 years ago

marv gravatar image

updated 10 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

Hi everybody

I'm working on an exercise in technical chemistry and try to find concentration progresses by numerical calculation. Note that im pretty new to Sage and Python.

The problem i encounter is that as soon as i want to use more than 20 iterations, Sage cloud doesn't finish. I was able to have more iterations when my loop was smaller.

Is there a limitation on the computional power, that is provided by Sage cloud? If you think the problem is with my code, I will post it.

Greetings, marv

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I am not a user of the cloud, but you can provide your code and we can check wether it works on standard Sage installations.

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 11 years ago )

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answered 11 years ago

marv gravatar image

Ok, I think i figured it out. The problem is, that i filled many lists with exact expressions and i exeeded the memmory available. Take the following lines from the loop:

c123.append(c123[i] - k1*step - k2*step)

After changing them all to something like:

c123.append(n(c123[i] - k1*step - k2*step))

everything works fine.

Thanks for tmonteil for your offering. If you want you can still take the code and have a look at your system memory. Maybe it would be good, if sage cloud tells if too much memory is used.


c123 = [2.5]
c13 = [0]
c1 = [0]
c12 = [0]
c2 = [0]
tList = [0]

#stepsize in seconds
step = 100
maxFound = False

for i in range(200):
    #beginnt mit 0 beechnungen fü nächsten zeitschitt

    #zwei geschwindigkeitsgesetze, beechnung fü n+1
    if c123[i] > 0.5 :
        c123.append(c123[i] - k1*step - k2*step)
        c13.append(c13[i] + k1*step - k3*step*c13[i])
        c12.append(c12[i] + k2*step - k4*step*c12[i] - k5*step*c12[i]^2)
        c123.append(c123[i] - k1s*step*c123[i] - k2*step*c123[i])
        c13.append(c13[i] + k1s*step*c123[i] - k3*step*c13[i])
        c12.append(c12[i] + k2s*step*c123[i] - k4*step*c12[i] - k5*step*c12[i]^2)
    #unabhängig von dem zeitpunkt
    c1.append(c1[i] + k3*step*c13[i] + k4*step*c12[i])
    c2.append(c2[i] + k5*step*c12[i]^2 )

    if (c13[i+1]<c13[i]) and (not maxFound):
        print "Maximum found for c13 found at", t, "s, bzw. ", n(t/3600), "h"
        print "Umsatz:", (c123[0]-c123[i])/c123[0]
        print "Selektivität 13:", (c13[i]-c13[0])/(c123[0]-c123[i])
        ausbeute13 = (c13[i]-c13[0])/c123[0]
        print "Ausbeute 13:", ausbeute13
        print "Selektivität 12:", (c12[i]-c12[0])/(c123[0]-c123[i])
        print "Selektivität 1:", (c1[i]-c1[0])/(c123[0]-c123[i])
        print "Selektivität 2:", (c2[i]-c2[0])/(c123[0]-c123[i])
        maxFound = True
    #pint t, "s"
    #pint c123[i], n(c13[i]), n(c1[i])
plotObject = list_plot(zip(tList,c123),plotjoined=True)
plotObject += list_plot(zip(tList,c13),plotjoined=True,color='red')
plotObject += list_plot(zip(tList,c12),plotjoined=True,color='green')
plotObject += list_plot(zip(tList,c1),plotjoined=True,color='orange')
plotObject += list_plot(zip(tList,c2),plotjoined=True,color='yellow')
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I didn't read the code carefully, but i confirm that this is also lagging around i=25 on a standard installation.

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 11 years ago )

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Asked: 11 years ago

Seen: 456 times

Last updated: Nov 16 '13