Iterating on @FrédéricC's answer...
In the following we
- increase the number of plot points to improve the resolution of the image,
- use
and CDF
: "real double field", "complex double field" -- floating-point real and complex numbers, - avoid Sage's "symbolic variables" and "symbolic ring" throughout.
Doing this, the spike however reaches higher and higher values, so it becomes
necessary to truncate the z values.
Pick a colormap and define τ=2π.
sage: cm = colormaps.jet
sage: tau = 2 * RDF.pi()
Define f
sage: def f(x, y):
....: z = CDF(x, y)
....: return (z - 2) / (z + 3)**2
Define f_abs
(modulus of f
sage: f_abs = lambda x, y: f(x, y).abs()
Define truncation:
sage: trunc = lambda x, t: x if x.abs() < t else RDF.nan()
Pick a bound to truncate:
sage: zbound = 8
Define f_abs_trunc
as f_abs
truncated to the chosen bound.
sage: f_abs_trunc = lambda x, y: trunc(f_abs(x, y), zbound)
Define f_arg_color
as the coloring for the argument of f:
sage: f_arg_color = lambda x, y: f(x, y).arg() / tau + RDF(0.5)
Compute the plot:
sage: p = plot3d(f_abs_trunc, (-4, 4), (-4, 4), color=(f_arg_color, cm), plot_points=200)
Show the plot (choose viewer='threejs'
or viewer='jmol'
or viewer='tachyon'
Increasing plot_points
further makes a nicer plot while also increasing the time to show the plot.
Try for example plot_points=400
or even plot_points=800
One can also increase zbound
to see more of the spike (try for example zbound=1e2
or zbound=2e5
Or plot f_abs
instead of f_abs_trunc
to avoid truncation altogether.