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Notebook environment ( cell width)

asked 11 years ago

anonymous user



I'm trying to find in manuals and sites how can I extend the cell width (I'm using the notebook environment) because while the notebook itself occupies the entire screen, normally the output cell is breaking with the \ symbol . The command show() put the entire output in a single line.. so.. How can I have the option or what should I read about to change the cell width? I'm needing that because of some matrix and group theory output tables.

Thank you in advance.

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answered 11 years ago

Jesustc gravatar image


If it is the output's withd what you aim to increase, just go to "Settings" (top-left of the notebook), then "Notebook settings", and increase the value of "Number of word-wrap columns" (e.g. I have it at 150). Then just "Save" with the button at the bottom and you are done.

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Thank you!

Luiz Roberto Meier gravatar imageLuiz Roberto Meier ( 11 years ago )

No prob. :)

Jesustc gravatar imageJesustc ( 11 years ago )

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Asked: 11 years ago

Seen: 618 times

Last updated: Apr 19 '13