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Test test testIf I guessed the meaning of your "n.set_bit(7)" correctly, then it can be achieved via Python's bitwise operator | as

If I guessed the meaning of your "n.set_bit(7)" correctly, then it can be achieved via Python's bitwise operator | as

n |= 1<<7

If I guessed the meaning of your "n.set_bit(7)" correctly, then it can be achieved via Python's bitwise operator | as

n |= 1<<7

You can find more details on bitwise operators at

To make ~ work as in Python, convert the argument to int first:

mask = ~int(1 << n)

See also this Q&A:

If I guessed the meaning of your "n.set_bit(7)" correctly, then it can be achieved via Python's bitwise operator | as

n |= 1<<7

You can find more details on bitwise operators at

To make ~ work as in Python, convert the argument to int first:

mask = ~int(1 << n)

See also this Q&A:

If I guessed the meaning of your "n.set_bit(7)" correctly, then it can be achieved via Python's bitwise operator | as

n |= 1<<7

You can find more details on bitwise operators at

To make ~ work as in Python, convert the argument to int first:

mask = ~int(1 << n)

or as suggested in the comments:

mask = ~(int(1) << n)

or simply

mask = ~(1r << n)

See also this Q&A: