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With mq.SR, I like that I can easily see the values after each AES round, including the round keys. Another aspect that is very useful to me is the high degree of customization, the fact that I can specify as an argument, for example, the number of rounds, which helps me a lot for cryptanalysis. This mode of operation would be very useful to me for the reverse steps as well, for decryption. In conclusion, I want to see the AES values for each round, both for encryption and decryption, plus to be able to specify the number of rounds (with the observation that the last round, regardless of their number, should behave like the last round of original Rijndael AES, where MixColumns step is missing). Yes, I know, I can write a complete program in Python, but I thought there were Saeg commands/functions, possibly external libraries to help me. Thank You.

With mq.SR, I like that I can easily see the values after each AES round, including the round keys. Another aspect that is very useful to me is the high degree of customization, the fact that I can specify as an argument, for example, the number of rounds, which helps me a lot for cryptanalysis. This mode of operation would be very useful to me for the reverse steps as well, for decryption. In conclusion, I want to see the AES values for each round, both for encryption and decryption, plus to be able to specify the number of rounds (with the observation that the last round, regardless of their number, should behave like the last round of original Rijndael AES, where MixColumns step is missing). Yes, I know, I can write a complete program in Python, but I thought there were Saeg Sage commands/functions, possibly external libraries to help me. Thank You.