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Two graphs are related:

  • graphs.CubeGraph(3)
  • graphs.GridGraph([2, 2, 2])

Their 2d plots and latexed forms have labels, but the 3d plots do not.

Cube graph

Define the cube graph

sage: C = graphs.CubeGraph(3)
sage: C
3-Cube: Graph on 8 vertices

Check its 2d plot, latex view, and 3d plot:

sage: C.plot()

Cube graph plot

sage: view(C)

Cube graph view

sage: C.plot3d()

Cube graph 3d plot

There is an option to get a different embedding:

sage: D = graphs.CubeGraph(3, embedding=2)
sage: D
3-Cube: Graph on 8 vertices

Check its 2d plot, latex view, and 3d plot:

sage: D.plot()

Cube graph plot with alternate embedding

sage: view(D)

Cube graph view with alternate embedding

sage: D.plot3d()

Cube graph 3d plot with alternate embedding

Grid graph

The grid graph displays better:

sage: G = graphs.GridGraph([2, 2, 2])
sage: G
Grid Graph for [2, 2, 2]: Graph on 8 vertices

sage: G.plot()
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 21 graphics primitives

Grid graph plot

sage: view(G)

Grid graph view

sage: G.plot3d()
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object

Grid graph 3d plot