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One possible way to do it :

# Use expressions rather than strings : more useful, less hassle.
# sign=list([">=",">=","<="])
# vsign=list([">=",">="])
from _operator import eq, le, lt, ge, gt
# Don't scratch built-in "sign" function, it may come handy later on
hsign = [ge, ge, le]
vsign = [ge, ge]
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{A}="),A)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{b}="),b)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{c}="),c)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{Signs}="),sign)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{Vsigns}="),vsign)
# Neither Python's max nor Sage's symbolic_max accept a single argument,
# and neither denote maximization. Let's use an ad hoc symbolic function
maximize = function("maximize",
                    print_latex_func=lambda self, *args:
                    r"\text{maximize}\ %s"%latex(args[0]))

def primal_lp(opt,A,b,c,signAb,signx):
    x = var("x_", n=nc)
    # X=[xj for xj in x] # This exact copy has no use.
    # X replaced by x afterwards...
    # Zer1 =[0 for v in x]
    Zer1 = [0]*len(x) # faster
    # Zer2 =[0 for v in range(len(signAb))]
    Zer2 = [0]*len(signAb) # MUCH faster
    # z=c*vector(x) # Used once, put it inline...
    # from _operator import le, ge, eq # Done at toplevel
    # No neeed since we use expressions
    # op1=[ge  if v==">=" else (le if v=='<=' else eq)  for v in signx]
    tt1=list(map(lambda u,v:u(*v), signx ,zip(x,Zer1)))
    # Ditto
    # op2=[ge  if v==">=" else (le if v=='<=' else eq)  for v in signAb]
    tt2=list(map(lambda u,v:u(*v), signx ,zip(con,Zer2)))
    # z1=flatten([opt,z,tt2,tt1])
    # return show(z1)
    z1 = [opt(c*vector(x))]+tt2+tt1
    # If we want to return a table
    # z1=table([[u] for u in tt2+tt1],
    #          header_row=[opt(c*vector(x))])
    return z1

This returns a list of expressions :

sage: primal_lp(maximize,A,b,c,hsign,vsign)
[maximize(4*x_0 + 7*x_1),
 3*x_0 + 2*x_1 >= 0,
 x_0 + 4*x_1 >= 0,
 x_0 >= 0,
 x_1 >= 0]

whose tabulation is easy : view(table([[u] for u in primal_lp(maximize,A,b,c,hsign,vsign)])) will give you something like :

image description

[ I had to recourse to image conversion, since's damn Mathjax won't accept tabular expressions :

sage: print(latex(table([[u] for u in primal_lp(maximize,A,b,c,hsign,vsign)])))
$\text{maximize}\ 4 \, x_{0} + 7 \, x_{1}$ \\
$3 \, x_{0} + 2 \, x_{1} \geq 0$ \\
$x_{0} + 4 \, x_{1} \geq 0$ \\
$x_{0} \geq 0$ \\
$x_{1} \geq 0$ \\



One possible way to do it :

# Use expressions rather than strings : more useful, less hassle.
# sign=list([">=",">=","<="])
# vsign=list([">=",">="])
from _operator import eq, le, lt, ge, gt
# Don't scratch built-in "sign" function, it may come handy later on
hsign = [ge, ge, le]
vsign = [ge, ge]
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{A}="),A)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{b}="),b)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{c}="),c)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{Signs}="),sign)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{Vsigns}="),vsign)
# Neither Python's max nor Sage's symbolic_max accept a single argument,
# and neither denote maximization. Let's use an ad hoc symbolic function
maximize = function("maximize",
                    print_latex_func=lambda self, *args:
                    r"\text{maximize}\ %s"%latex(args[0]))

def primal_lp(opt,A,b,c,signAb,signx):
    x = var("x_", n=nc)
    # X=[xj for xj in x] # This exact copy has no use.
    # X replaced by x afterwards...
    # Zer1 =[0 for v in x]
    Zer1 = [0]*len(x) # faster
    # Zer2 =[0 for v in range(len(signAb))]
    Zer2 = [0]*len(signAb) # MUCH faster
    # z=c*vector(x) # Used once, put it inline...
    # from _operator import le, ge, eq # Done at toplevel
    # No neeed since we use expressions
    # op1=[ge  if v==">=" else (le if v=='<=' else eq)  for v in signx]
    tt1=list(map(lambda u,v:u(*v), signx ,zip(x,Zer1)))
    # Ditto
    # op2=[ge  if v==">=" else (le if v=='<=' else eq)  for v in signAb]
    tt2=list(map(lambda u,v:u(*v), signx ,zip(con,Zer2)))
    # z1=flatten([opt,z,tt2,tt1])
    # return show(z1)
    z1 = [opt(c*vector(x))]+tt2+tt1
    # If we want to return a table
    # z1=table([[u] for u in tt2+tt1],
    #          header_row=[opt(c*vector(x))])
    return z1

This returns a list of expressions :

sage: primal_lp(maximize,A,b,c,hsign,vsign)
[maximize(4*x_0 + 7*x_1),
 3*x_0 + 2*x_1 >= 0,
 x_0 + 4*x_1 >= 0,
 x_0 >= 0,
 x_1 >= 0]

whose tabulation is easy : view(table([[u] for u in primal_lp(maximize,A,b,c,hsign,vsign)])) will give you something like :

image description

[ I had to recourse to image conversion, since's damn Mathjax won't accept tabular expressions :

sage: print(latex(table([[u] for u in primal_lp(maximize,A,b,c,hsign,vsign)])))
$\text{maximize}\ 4 \, x_{0} + 7 \, x_{1}$ \\
$3 \, x_{0} + 2 \, x_{1} \geq 0$ \\
$x_{0} + 4 \, x_{1} \geq 0$ \\
$x_{0} \geq 0$ \\
$x_{1} \geq 0$ \\



\(\text{maximize}\ 4 \, x_{0} + 7 \, x_{1}\)
\(3 \, x_{0} + 2 \, x_{1} \geq 0\)
\(x_{0} + 4 \, x_{1} \geq 0\)
\(x_{0} \geq 0\)
\(x_{1} \geq 0\)

One possible way to do it :

# Use expressions rather than strings : more useful, less hassle.
# sign=list([">=",">=","<="])
# vsign=list([">=",">="])
from _operator import eq, le, lt, ge, gt
# Don't scratch built-in "sign" function, it may come handy later on
hsign = [ge, ge, le]
vsign = [ge, ge]
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{A}="),A)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{b}="),b)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{c}="),c)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{Signs}="),sign)
# show(LatexExpr(r"\boldsymbol{Vsigns}="),vsign)
# Neither Python's max nor Sage's symbolic_max accept a single argument,
# and neither denote maximization. Let's use an ad hoc symbolic function
maximize = function("maximize",
                    print_latex_func=lambda self, *args:
                    r"\text{maximize}\ %s"%latex(args[0]))

def primal_lp(opt,A,b,c,signAb,signx):
    x = var("x_", n=nc)
    # X=[xj for xj in x] # This exact copy has no use.
    # X replaced by x afterwards...
    # Zer1 =[0 for v in x]
    Zer1 = [0]*len(x) # faster
    # Zer2 =[0 for v in range(len(signAb))]
    Zer2 = [0]*len(signAb) # MUCH faster
    # z=c*vector(x) # Used once, put it inline...
    # from _operator import le, ge, eq # Done at toplevel
    # No neeed since we use expressions
    # op1=[ge  if v==">=" else (le if v=='<=' else eq)  for v in signx]
    tt1=list(map(lambda u,v:u(*v), signx ,zip(x,Zer1)))
    # Ditto
    # op2=[ge  if v==">=" else (le if v=='<=' else eq)  for v in signAb]
    tt2=list(map(lambda u,v:u(*v), signx ,zip(con,Zer2)))
    # z1=flatten([opt,z,tt2,tt1])
    # return show(z1)
    z1 = [opt(c*vector(x))]+tt2+tt1
    # If we want to return a table
    # z1=table([[u] for u in tt2+tt1],
    #          header_row=[opt(c*vector(x))])
    return z1

This returns a list of expressions :

sage: primal_lp(maximize,A,b,c,hsign,vsign)
[maximize(4*x_0 + 7*x_1),
 3*x_0 + 2*x_1 >= 0,
 x_0 + 4*x_1 >= 0,
 x_0 >= 0,
 x_1 >= 0]

whose tabulation is easy : view(table([[u] for u in primal_lp(maximize,A,b,c,hsign,vsign)])) will give you something like :

image description

[ I had to recourse to image conversion, since's damn Mathjax won't accept tabular expressions :

sage: print(latex(table([[u] for u in primal_lp(maximize,A,b,c,hsign,vsign)])))
$\text{maximize}\ 4 \, x_{0} + 7 \, x_{1}$ \\
$3 \, x_{0} + 2 \, x_{1} \geq 0$ \\
$x_{0} + 4 \, x_{1} \geq 0$ \\
$x_{0} \geq 0$ \\
$x_{1} \geq 0$ \\



EDIT : slelievre's suggestion worked (on Sagecell), and gave the following result :

\(\text{maximize}\ 4 \, x_{0} + 7 \, x_{1}\)
\(3 \, x_{0} + 2 \, x_{1} \geq 0\)
\(x_{0} + 4 \, x_{1} \geq 0\)
\(x_{0} \geq 0\)
\(x_{1} \geq 0\)