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Hello, @TitoYisus! I had success with the following procedure. Unfortunately, I only have Linux installed in my computer, so I am not 100% sure if this will work in Windows (although, in principle, it should). If it indeed solves your problem, please, let me know.

First, you should tell Jupyter to create a configuration file. In the case of Sage, you do this by executing

sage -n jupyter --generate-config

The --generate-config option is passed to Jupyter, so it creates its configuration file. Alternatively, you can also run

sage --python -m jupyter notebook --generate-config

The --python option tells sage to run its Python interpreter. Then, the -m option is passed to that Python interpreter, which tells it what module to execute. We specify the jupyter module with the notebook option. (Note: In the case of Windows, I imagine you should run any of these commands in the shell program that gets install with Sage.)

As far as my experience goes, this should print a message indicating where the configuration file was created. In my case (Linux), the message said

Writing default config to: ~/.sage//jupyter-4.1/

Then, you simply open that file and locate the line that says

c.NotebookApp.browser = ''

Uncomment it and put inside the quotation marks the browser of your preference (chrome in your case). That should do the trick!

A simpler alternative is to specify the browser with the command

sage -n jupyter --browser=chrome

This is a non-presistent configuration option, so you should execute this line every time you run Jupyter.

I hope this helps!