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OK, found a workaround.

The giac that comes with sagemath 9.4 binary is old. version 1.6. I changed the symbolic link in /home/me/SageMath/local/bin/giac to point to the newer version I had in /bin/giac and now the error went away:


>ls -l giac
lrwxrwxrwx 1 me me 6 Aug 22 08:00 giac -> ./icas

>ln -sfn /bin/giac giac

>ls -lrt giac
lrwxrwxrwx 1 me me 9 Sep 15 16:36 giac -> /bin/giac

And now from sagemath, it works. No error

sage: integrate(x,x, algorithm="giac")                                                                                                                      

Strange that sagemath binary 9.4 ships with older giac and one that for some reason does not work.