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Thanks for your report! This is indeed a bug: the current implementation of contractions on multiple indices yield wrong results when the index positions in each of the two tensors do not have the same order. I've opened the Trac ticket #32355 for a fix.

Thanks for your report! This is indeed a bug: the current implementation of contractions on multiple indices yield wrong results when the index positions in each of the two tensors do not have the same order. order and the outcome is a scalar field (when the outcome is a tensor field of nonzero valence, there is no issue). I've opened the Trac ticket #32355 for a fix.

Thanks for your report! This is indeed a bug: the current implementation of contractions on multiple indices yield wrong results when the index positions in each of the two tensors do not have the same order and the outcome is a scalar field (when the outcome is a tensor field of nonzero valence, there is no issue). I've opened the Trac ticket #32355 for a fix.

EDIT (14 Sept. 2021): the fix proposed in #32355 has been merged in SageMath 9.5.beta1; so SageMath 9.5 will be free of this bug.