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Revision history [back]

Known bug, fixed at

which already has positive review and should go in Sage 9.4.

Known bug, fixed at

which already has positive review and should go in Sage 9.4.

Since the branch at that ticket only tchanges .py files, it is easy enough to apply to your Sage.

If you installed Sage 9.3 from source or from binaries (rather than "via a package manager"), you can apply the fix to your current Sage installation by running the following commands in a terminal:

$ cd $(sage -c "print(SAGE_ROOT)")
$ git remote add trac git:// -t develop
$ git checkout -b 31629
$ git fetch trac u/klee/31629
$ git merge FETCH_HEAD
$ ./sage -b

Next time you start Sage, it should have the fix.

Next time you want to upgrade Sage, start by checking out the develop branch:

$ git checkout develop
$ git pull origin develop
$ ./bootstrap -q && ./configure -q && make -s V=0