The first parametrization is the parametrization of a solid cone. To plot it, you can plot the boundary, which is where s=θ or u=h:
h = 60
parametric_plot3d((u*tan(theta)*cos(t),u*tan(theta)*sin(t),u),(u,0,h),(t,0,2*pi) ) + parametric_plot3d((h*tan(s)*cos(t),h*tan(s)*sin(t),h),(s,0,theta),(t,0,2*pi) )
The first parametrization is the parametrization of a solid cone. cone.
To plot it, you can plot the boundary, which is where s=θ or u=h:
sage: h = 60
parametric_plot3d((u*tan(theta)*cos(t),u*tan(theta)*sin(t),u),(u,0,h),(t,0,2*pi) ) 20
sage: theta = pi/3
sage: side = parametric_plot3d((lambda t, u: u*tan(theta)*cos(t),
....: lambda t, u: u*tan(theta)*sin(t),
....: lambda t, u: u), (0, 2*pi), (0, h))
sage: base = parametric_plot3d((lambda s, t: h*tan(s)*cos(t),
....: lambda s, t: h*tan(s)*sin(t),
....: lambda s, t: h), (0, theta), (0, 2*pi))
sage: side + parametric_plot3d((h*tan(s)*cos(t),h*tan(s)*sin(t),h),(s,0,theta),(t,0,2*pi) )